Chapter 63 + thank you so much

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Why did I start this? I never intentionally wanted to hurt her. But the nature always won. It chased me for long months and I gave in. Now, I was falling but I was taking her with me.

"I know it's impossible to make up for this. But at least, talk to me." I repeated, with a hoarse voice. She nodded with a new faint light in her eyes. However, I couldn't tell what it did mean.

The next minute, we were in a small room. There was nothing but papers and a few chairs inside. She had difficulty to walk after the run so I decided to help her out. I placed my hands on her back to aid her but she let out a very disagreeing groan.

"Remove these dirty hands you put on her from me," she added to the groan. Hearing her voice so hateful made a weird sensation sting my sides.

She kept her head down, letting her hair cover her sorrowful expression under the strands. She took shelter on a chair, keeping a good distance between us. I leant against the wall to face her, ducking my head down.

"For how long have you been there?" I asked, worried she stayed there all the time. Worried that the shock stuck her to the floor and forced her to see what happened in Evelyn's office.

"I saw nothing but the last... kiss, if that's what you want to know." Her voice stated and she buried her head deeper into her arms. It relieved me just a tiny bit.

"Angie, I am so..." I started, unable to say 'sorry'. It was just such a small word. Even though I would be on my knees to apology, I couldn't change anything to her state. I only looked at her, taking a deep sigh with remorseful thoughts.

I noticed her looking at me for a few seconds, then ducked her head down again.

"Tell me Harry. Tell me what happened. I want to know." She cried out with a high-pitched voice. She was in curled-up position, eyes looking at me. She waited for my response. I had the response to her question, from the very beginning. But it'd shock her. "You wanted to give me explanations? Then, go ahead!" She urged me. How could I even start telling her that I desired Evelyn while asking Angelica out? How am I supposed to say that correctly?

I looked up towards her and her stare grew more insistent.

"When I first saw you Angie, I... immediately thought you were the one for me. You're just the best person I've ever met on this Earth..." I started off. My words were genuine. I grew big affection for her at our first eye contact in the cafeteria. "I really wanted to be with you. That was the only thing I could think about before asking you out."

She attempted to keep cold. However, by the way she heavily sighed, I could tell the story telling didn't improve her state.

"You don't know my happiness when we started dating. I just felt so lucky for having you." Again, I was stating the truth. I remembered as it was yesterday how I whistled while working, for long days.

"If you were so happy, Harry, why did you do this to me?" she asked, bursting into tears. I could feel my tears threatening to fall at seeing her break down, one more time. My throat narrowed, hurting me every time I let a sound out. Every time I attempted to reply, I just couldn't. "That's it! You needed sex?"

I didn't want to make her state it that way. But unfortunately, that was the truth. It embarrassed me so much I started walking to let the stress out. I made the hundred steps in front of her and her eyes followed me.

"Yeah, but-"

"Harry, instead of looking for someone else, why didn't you just tell me? I was ready." She asked but I couldn't look at her. She couldn't understand my actions. No one could. Everything seemed so simple for her, but that was the hardest thing for me.

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