He shoved another spoonful into his mouth. I glanced at the small wall-clock and read 07:45. I should be at Sethi's in a little less than an hour.


Eyes followed me through the hallways since I entered the building. That was mainly due to Harry's presence. He was next to me, no physical contact was shared. However, everyone who knew Angie eyed us strangely. The atmosphere in the corridors, in the call boxes and the offices remained horrendously heavy. To them all, even for Benson who guided me to my new office, I was the only one at fault. For them, I did every possible thing to tear Harry and Angie apart. I could tell they called me 'bitch' or 'slut'. However, deep down I knew Harry was fifty percent at fault, too. No one wanted to face that actual truth. The fact that I'd never been sympathetic to them made me the perfect black sheep, Angelica, the victim and Harry, the blinded man. Those hateful stares didn't surprise me at all. They were my everyday life.

The only stare that surprised me was Harry's. He had insisted to accompany me before going to work, too. He acted extremely normal, as if he never noticed the mean stares on us. He smiled, he cracked some jokes... He didn't care that every single girl in the area knew he dated Angelica for long months before the incident. But that didn't disturb him.

Benson finally stopped walking in front of a massive wooden door where my name was written on a rectangular sign. She stretched her arm out to hand me a magnetic card.

"I'm really happy you're back, Miss Sethi." She genuinely smiled as I took the card. "Your mother expressly sent me to welcome you because I needed to give this to you."

She handed me an envelope with my name written on it.

"Your plane tickets for the business trip," she cleared.

"Thanks." I said, pressing the envelope against my chest.

"So you can make yourself at ease. May the two of you have a nice day!" The elderly woman said with a large smile. She walked past me, then Harry who smiled back at her.

"Thank you Barbara," Harry held a charming voice.

I had slid the card into its spot, a green signal appeared and the door opened. I excitedly walked through the door to discover a large office that overlooked the streets due to a picture window, just like my mother's. Mine was just smaller. I couldn't help but grinned at seeing large wooden desk and the leather chairs. The floor was covered with a greyish carpet. There were two big bookcases for my documents and three paintings to give life to the white room. There were long mirrors here and there in the corner of the room, but I didn't know their utility at all. It looked a bit empty but it was my job to add a few things to my convenience.

Harry placed his hand under my chin.

"I thought your chin was about to fall, babe." He giggled. I actually was so astounded by the luxury of the office I was given that my lips fell apart.

"Don't blame me for liking my new office." I said, walking towards the desk. I sat on the black leather chair and made it turn around. For the first time, the office was really mine, not my mother's. That thought made me happy.

"You're like a kid in Disney land," he remarked, making me just shrug off. He was right. The feeling of cheerfulness filled me completely since the day my mother trusted me enough to give me a job. That was my Disney Land.

"I love this office so much." I said, jumping from my seat to walk towards the picture window. I noticed a small piece of furniture and a remote on it. I grabbed the remote and pushed one of the two buttons. Black curtains mechanically descended from the ceiling to cover the window, getting the office dark. I immediately pressed the other button and the curtains rose back to their place.

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