Rebecca had reached her table of barbies and was pointing at me and whispering. I rolled my eyes at Sofia and waved to them saying, “Hi.” They all gasped and started talking over each other. Somehow, the rest of the class hadn’t noticed me our exchange yet and I was secretly glad. I knew that this day would come, when someone found out I talked and then everyone finds out, but I didn’t want to have to deal with the gossip just yet.

                Needless to say, the news spread like wildfire. By the end of second block everyone knew that I could talk, including the teachers. Lunch passed the same as always at our table besides my friends asking me how everyone found out. Unfortunately, I can’t say that lunch was normal outside our table. The whole time I was eating I could feel the eyes boring into my back and the talk that was all about me deafened me.

                The teachers weren’t so cruel as to call on me to answer questions yet, but some of them did make me say ‘Here!’ when they took attendance. On Wednesday, we did have a pop quiz in English and I was the only one who aced it because I was actually paying attention to the lesson, not the latest gossip.

                Liam stopped any whispers or stares when he could, but he wasn’t always there to be my Superman. I had heard that the reason I could talk was because I had experimental surgery done. Another of my favorites was that I was too much of a coward before to say anything for fear of being joked about but now that I was popular because I was Liam’s girlfriend, I talked because of my secured social status.

                Yeah right. I was no coward. I had my reasons to be the way I am and nobody can take that away from me.

                I sighed and shook myself back to reality. I walked over to where I had my dress hanging, on the closet door and grabbed it. I slid it off of its hanger and threw the hanger on my bed. Carefully, I slipped the dress on over my hair, being sure not to mess it up. I zipped the dress up in the back and adjusted it before turning to the mirror.

                My dress was an ivory color and had a heart neckline. It was strapless and had a fitted section just underneath my breasts. Then it flowed into 3 layered sections for the bottom and it stopped just above my knees.

                Slipping my black, closed toe high heels on, I surveyed my entire outfit. I didn’t need to bring anything so I had no purse. Overall, I thought I looked pretty good! Before leaving my room, I quickly spritzed myself with Warm Vanilla Sugar body spray.

                I cautiously made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen to wait for Liam. I had just sat down at the table when a knock sounded from the front of the house. I jumped up and smoothed my dress out, gliding to the front door.

                I opened the door and there stood Liam in all his glory. He was wearing black dress shoes, black dress pants, a button down shirt that matched my dress in color and a black tie. Liam looked absolutely gorgeous and I suddenly felt like a little girl trying on her mother’s clothes.

                Liam’s mouth dropped open as he scanned my body and he looked at a loss for words. “Is the great Liam Miller speechless?” I teased, trying to sound like I was more confident than I felt.

                All he did was nod and move his eyes up to my face. Liam’s mouth formed words but he still didn’t speak. Finally, he stuttered out, “Y-you look beautiful.”

                I smiled at him and I swear I saw him catch his breath. “Thank you. You don’t look half bad yourself.” Okay, that was a lie. He looked down right handsome.

                Liam brought one hand out from behind his back and was holding a small blue flower that was the same color as my eyes. I gasped and took it tenderly from his outstretched hand. Placing it carefully behind my ear, I gave him a huge smile and said, “Thank you so much. It’s wonderful.”

                He smile back and again I was struck with how good looking he was. “It’s not as great as the girl who’s wearing it though.” Leaning in, he gave me a quick butterfly kiss on the cheek. “You smell really good. Are you wearing perfume?” he asked when he pulled back.

                I blushed at both his comments and told him, “Actually, I am. I thought it was a special night so I indulged.”

                “I’m glad you did.” Liam smiled, offering me his arm. I stifled a giggle and curtsied before wrapping my arm around his.

 “Off we go.” I whispered with a smile.

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