"I think I am at your grandma's house at 6 pm. See you later" and then he hung up.

"You're really unbelievable, Akashi-kun" I said as I put my phone back on the desk.

"What have he done now?" I shrieked at the sudden voice of Shuzo, who leaned against the doorway.

"N-nothing" I turned around to him.

"The lie is writing on your face, you know? Come on, tell me the truth!" Shuzo said with a calmed voice.

"He said he helps me with studying on Tuesday"

"Really?" He rolled his eyes.

"Yes. Wait! When did you get in my room?" I narrowed my eyes.

"At the moment as you took the call" he looked at me darkly. "And don't change the subject. In my opinion he's getting too close to you"

"You're telling this the wrong person. It's not as I asked for this"

"There are always two people to blame. The person, who take the initiative and the person, who let the other one doing it" Shuzo lectured me.

"Whatever" My eyes hushed to the clock on my wall. "It's already this late? Dammit" I jumped up, took my belongings and headed outside of my room, while shouting to Shuzo "Sorry Nii-san. I have to get the train"

He reminded quiet. But as I already opened the frontdoor, I heard him shouting at me "Sorano! Wait!"

I turned around and waited for him to approach to me.

"You have forgotten something" He glared at me darkly and hold something into my direction.

I looked at it and saw that he was holding the picture from my bedside table.

I immediately froze. 'He must be thinking that I put it down there'

"Do you want to explain this to me?" He growled.

"Eto... Ano..." Every single word escaped my mind, unable to think straight anymore

"I am listening" He rised a brow.

'Sorano, you need to say something. Now!'

"It's not my fault. Mariko shot this picture at the most unfavourable time"

"Have he kissed you?" His voice turned darker than before.

"N-n-no!" I muttered.

'How can I escape out of this situation unharmed?'

"What have he done then?" He ask again.

"He... He... He has..."eventually I've done the only one thing to escape this situation, I gabbed the picture and ran outside the house.

"See you next weekend. Take care" I shouted without looking back and running as fast as I could.

'Puh. That was close. But I can't always run away. But what should I do otherwise?'

I slowed down my pace as I saw the railway station.

As I got closer and closer to the station, I saw something that froze my motion immediately. "That can't be true!"

Before the railway station stood a black car and a certain redhead leaning against it, facing my direction and looking straight at me with a light smirk on his face.

I sighed and started to walk again.

I tried to ignore him and walked past the car.

"You took longer than I thought to get here" His eyes followed me.

Crimson Eyes [Akashi Seijuuro x OC Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now