Chp 78 - Percy's POV

Start from the beginning

Nothing? It feels like hell!

It could be worse, trust me.

"Then why are you cringing?"


"Because this... body is not used to take a punch. Peter may act like a rebel, but he does not get into fights that often or with someone that strong. Since he is not used to get beaten, a punch like that still ranks high in his scale of pain"

Sure, blame the guy trapped inside his own mind without a chance to defend himself.

Stop making drama.

Are we going to have a black eye?

Most likely.

For how long?

No idea, I'm a demigod, remember? By now, I would have eaten a square of ambrosia and got back in action.

Uhum, right, I totally believe in you. If you can't tell, I'm rolling my eyes at you.

Percy rolled his eyes - well, the not swollen eye with an ice pack over - before Will started talking again.

Show off...


They were sitting at the lunch table, and Frank was looking puzzled at Jordan.

"Jordan, I'm afraid to ask, but why are you biting a straw? This is the third one"

Jordan took a little break from biting the straw to answer.

"I need to make them shorter"

"Hum... what for?"

"I need three short ones and one normal, so we can see who's going to drive"

"Wait, you mean, like whoever pick the longer one is going to be responsable for driving?"

Jordan rolled his eyes at Frank.


Frank scrunched his eyebrows.

"Wasn't it easier to shorten just one and whoever picked this would be the chosen one?"

Jordan stoped biting the straw.

"Hum. It makes sense"

He resumed biting it. Jodi rolled her eyes.

"That's the problem with stupid people. They might survive"

Jay smiled.

"Idiots rely on luck"

Jodi glared at him.

"If I was Luck, I would castrate them. This way, they wouldn't reproduce"

Jordan and Jay looked at her scared, before she sighed and waved them to return doing whatever stupidity they were doing before.

"Anyway, there's no need to draught a driver, Peter will do"

"I will?"

"Yes, and the reason is because I said so"

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