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It was dark...why was it so dark? Koe reached for the light switch but it wasn't there.

That's weird...I know it's there..he thought.
But then it hit him, he was still asleep. He had always had dreams like this. Why hadn't he realized that it was a dream before? But he knew what to do; all he had to do was whisper that word. And she would let him see again. Koe doesn't understand why he always has to say it, he doesn't even know what the word means, but the girl did. It had to have some meaning to her because she always made him say it.

"Chuchoter." He whispered.

He could feel the girls presence as soon as he said the word.

"Koe...." the girl said happily.

Immediately he could see again, and there in front of him a short girl sat. She had dark hair with big round eyes and a perfect little smile. Koe loved her face so much... it made him so happy to see her face. He hadn't had this dream in so long.

"Koe I'm sorry." She whispered.

"For what?" He replied.

"I've been so lonely..." she said dreamily.

She has never directly answered one of his questions before. Like when he asked her her name she replied with,

"You already know. Don't you?"

But of course he didn't know. That's why he had asked. Still when she said that it made him think, did that really have any meaning or was she just mumbling on about nothing?

He looked at her now remembering what she had said. Should he ask again? He decided after a while to ask again. He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could do anything she began to talk.

"Koe... I've told you before haven't I? You already know...you've said it so many times already. Tell me what my name is Koe. I know you already know. Please tell me..."

His eyes widened...how did she know what I was going to ask? He looked at her again. And she was staring at him waiting for his reply. How could he know her name when she's never told him it?

(Sorry if it isn't good so far, this is my first book so I'm obviously pretty new to this. I promise it will get better!)

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