"I wasn't aware you owned it." Serena snapped back at her. Well, the claws are definitely out now.

"I actually like it here. The campus is beautiful, the people are so nice, and do you know how great the drama school is?" Serena stated as I watched Blair curl her fists at her side.

"Yes I do. It's world renowned!" Blair shot back at her. She should know; she's only been obsessed with the Gilbert and Sullivan Society and The Yale Drama Coalition since birth. It was like watching a tennis match between the two of them. My head moved from girl to girl as each shot was fired.

"The Dean made me realize that by being so set on Brown, I closed myself off to all other options." Serena pleaded with Blair. I could sense the fake sympathy in her voice. I don't feel sorry for her at all. She's going to go to college, a prestigious college, and I'm back to figuring out how to pay to go to my dream school.

"Well, that's a lovely epiphany. I'm afraid it's irrelevant. It's not as if you'd actually get in here!" Blair snapped out viciously t taking a step towards Serena. For a second I thought she might actually knock her out, but Blair's not that girl. I however wouldn't be opposed to it at the moment. Serena's phone began to ring in her purse causing her to fish it out of her bag.

"Hello?" Serena answered cheerfully, as I shared a glance with Blair, "An intimate gathering at the dean's house tonight? I'd be honored." She spoke into the phone after a moment and I felt my stomach twist. No... This is not happening right now. She's being invited to the Deans' special gathering?

"Thank you." Serena smiled into the phone then hung up. I stepped around Serena and stood beside Blair, placing a hand on her shoulder gently. I could feel the rage pouring out of her.

"You were invited to my gathering?" She whispered, trying to wrap her mind around the news.

"You might want to make other plans for the evening. The lady on the phone said I was her last call." Serena piped out, with a devious smirk on her perfectly lip glossed lips.

"Of all the things—Nate, my mother and the girls at school- you wouldn't take this from me." Blair practically muttered in a low voice, staring directly at her former best friend/new enemy. "Because if you do, I swear I will take you down."

"I'm not taking anything from you, Blair. I was invited by the Dean personally through a handwritten letter. And as for taking me down, I'd love to see you try." Serena countered, giving Blair and me a small smirk before flipping her golden locks over her shoulder.

Blair swallowed audibly, and stormed off down the cobblestone path away from Serena.

I titled my head up and looked at the clear blue sky above. I asked for one simple fun weekend with my friends, and I get an all-out blood bath in return. We were supposed to get drunk and dance with cute frat boys tonight, now I'll surely be planning battle with B. There's no way she's going to retreat from this.

"You realize Blair is going to have your head on a pike." I stated, just throwing it out there. Serena glared at me then returned playing with her phone.

"Blair is being over dramatic, like always." Serena countered.

"You do know Providence is in Rhode Island, right?" I heard him call from a distance and snapped my head down to see Chuck making his way over towards Serena and me.

"Great just what the situation needs, Chuck." I muttered under my breath, still pissed I'd let him trick me into kissing him earlier. He smirked and sidled up next to me, slinging his arm over my shoulder pulling me into his side like we were two old friends. I couldn't help but breath in his incredible scent. My god, why does he have to smell so good?

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