Chp 40 - Reyna's POV

Start from the beginning


I'm bored.

Welcome to my world.

I'm serious, how can you sit still for hours just listening to someone talking?

I don't have any choice. School is a bore, get used to it.

And what about student council? Why did you choose to be president?

I didn't choose, I was chosen.

I faced endless monsters and survived, but school's boredom might kill me until the end of the month.

That's what most teenagers face, get used to it.

We need something funnier to do.

No! I NEED to stay in school!

I didn't mean instead of school, I was thinking after it.

Sure! Like my life wasn't busy enough!

Maybe some sport.

You do know that was sarcasm, right?


Distract me.

Do I look or sound like a jester?

I said to distract, not make me laugh. Tell me about your family.


Do you have something better to do?

Fine. I'm from another country...

Puerto Rico.

How did you... right, same story, so why are you asking me?

Because I don't think you're a demigodess, daughter of Bellona and praetor of a legion.

Right. So, never met my mother. My father became obsessed with war, so my sister and I ran away.

What's your sister's name?

Hilda. It means warrior.

Makes sense. Carry on.

Anyway, she got a job on a spa, and moved there with me.

Where was it?

At a caribbean island. A very small one. It was a spa just for women. Long story short, it caught on fire, so we left. When we got here, my sister got a job as CEO at...


Your sister too, huh?

In my world, the Amazon is a façade to the amazons, female warriors. And my sister became their queen, not only CEO. Why are you here and not with her?

Don't get me wrong, I love my sister, but...

Your life wasn't there.


And you came here... why?

I don't know, I just felt I should. You think this is weird?

Leaving your sister's security to pursue your own life? No, I don't, I did it too.

No, that I felt I was drawn here.

I ride a pegasus, I fulfilled prophecies and fought monsters. Feeling drawn to somewhere ranks low on my weird list.

Now it's your turn, tell me about your life.

Only if you promise to believe.


Reyna was walking to her apartment when she heard a whistle and someone calling.

"Hey, beautiful"

"She's hot"

She turned and saw two guys leaning against a wall, near a gym's entrance.

"WHAT did you just call me?"

Are you going to fight them?

It's not going to be a fight. It's going to be a massacre.

But before she had a chance, someone called from inside the gym.

"Phil, Dany! What are you two doing there? The master is starting the class, you should run"

The guys ran to the inside and the third one stayed behind, smiling at Reyna.

What is he looking at? Creepy.

He offered his hand: "Nice to meet you, I'm Adam. What's your name, princess?"

Why does men insists in giving us such cliché nicknames?

Because they have no creativity.

You mean they have no brains.

Should I shake his hand?

Well, except for the princess, he's polite.

Reyna shook his hand, with a little more force than was needed.

"I'm Regina, so do NOT call me princess"

"Regina? I'm sorry about calling you a princess, I had no idea you're a queen"

Oh, God, the cliché is going to kill me.

"If you insist in giving me a title, I prefer praetor"


"It's a roman title, look it up. Now, if you excuse me, I need to go"

Reyna started to walk away, and he walked beside her.

"Already? Why don't you stay a little longer?"

"Because I can't"

"Are you in a hurry? To do what?"

"I'm not in a hurry"

"So why won't you stay?"

"Because I have better things to do than listening to your babbling"

He stopped walking to stare at her, but she ignored and continued to walk without looking behind.

I think you gave him a lesson.

Do you think he learned it?

Of course not, men are like dogs, they need to be trained for weeks!

I think you would be a good amazon.

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