He Finds Out You're Pregnant For The First Time (Luke)

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Writer of this story: witty5sosurl

Source: Tumblr

2nd P.O.V

Ever since you found out you had been planning the perfect way to break the news to Luke. The two of you had been trying for a baby for the better part of three months now, but with his ever busy schedule and your busy day to day life now that you had been promoted, it seemed time was passing by faster and faster with little of that time being spent together. Finally though, finally it had happened and you couldn't be any happier.

The lock to your apartment clicked as Luke stepped through the open door. His hair was Ruffles from him undoubtedly running his hands through his blonde locks repeatedly throughout the day. His eyes shine brightly when his gaze found you, but the exhaustion was still evident in those baby blues. "Hey sweetheart," he greeted as he walks over to envelope you in a hug.

"Hi." You grinned up at your husband before faking a gasp. "Oh, babe, can you go check the oven real quick? I just remembered I have to make a phone call." With a nod of his head, Luke released you, making his way towards the kitchen. You tiptoed behind him, phone in hand to wait to see his reaction.

You held your breathe as he reached for the handle of the oven and pulled it open. Sitting inside was a single hamburger bun, and after a couple moments passed you could almost see the light bulb appear over Luke's head. "Y/N!" He yelled, not realizing you were only a few feet behind him. As he turned around, you quickly snapped a picture. His blue eyes met yours and you could see the small tears forming in those crystalline eyes of his. "Are you.... Is this for real?" His voice was a whisper, and you nodded in response.

His long legs closed the distance between the two of you quickly and he wrapped you up in his arms, spinning you around. "I'm gonna be a dad!" He exclaimed as a joyous laugh tumbled from his lips. "I can't believe it. I can't believe I'm finally gonna get to be a father," he said breathlessly as he looked down at you with nothing but adoration in his eyes. "I love you," he whispered just as his lips met yours.

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