Chapter 30 Redemption

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Chapter dedicated to piiuuu for the pretty banner above. Thanks a lot!

Chapter 30 - Redemption

[Rahul's P. O. V.]

"Why're you here?"

Only I knew how I introduced Drishti as my good friend to everyone. But the deed was done when she said she was my girlfriend. I took her away to talk. The murderous look I received from Preet was enough to tell me she was pissed off. Drishti had completely slipped out of my mind.

She gave me a funny look and said, "For the wedding, Rahul. Shruti's one of my cousins. I know everything."

She ought to be kidding me. "Is everyone in this world related to everyone?" First, Preet and Lovedeep, and now, Drishti and Shruti. "Where is Shruti?"

"She should be here soon," shrugged Drishti. "Maybe in a day or two."


"You don't look happy to see me." Nice observation. "Why is Preet here?"

I explained how Preet was Lovedeep's cousin. Drishti was shocked to hear that. The next shock she got was "I'm sorry, but we need to stop putting up this charade of being a couple."

"You still love her, don't you?" she asked disappointed. I nodded. "Even after she did all that?" Again, I gave her a nod. "Rahul, I don't know why you're so persistent on letting her ruin your life again, but good luck! I'll see you at the wedding!"

She stormed away, only stopping to say goodbye to everyone.

I had a feeling I was only getting temporary relief from Drishti.

But one problem down.

One more to go.

[Preet's P. O. V.]

I didn't let Rahul get a chance to talk to me. Samrat told me Drishti was only a fake girlfriend. Radhika di simply shook her head and called Rahul stupid.

Lovely had his own dilemma. According to him, Shruti had already taken a flight to India and was coming . . . with her family.

The only good thing that happened was Mumma cooking Rasmalai. The smell roamed around the entire house. We were only allowed one serving after dinner. Then, off to bed.

Except I was in the mood for a midnight snack.

Late at night, I snuck out of my room. There were some cousins of mine sleeping outside on cots, so I had to be extra careful and tiptoe to the kitchen. On the stove top, I found the container with rasmalai. Hurrying, I poured the dessert in a bowl and began scarfing it down.

It was so damn delicious!

Suddenly, a shadow moved past me and a hand clamped on my mouth, strong arms wrapping around me. I almost choked up the dessert as I was turned around to face the culprit.

Why oh why?


He slowly let go and let me inhale some oxygen. I gave him a glare. "You okay?" he asked.

"What do you want?" I asked, still angry over the Drishti scenario.

"Your attention for now," he replied. He pulled us both behind the door. Taking precautions in case we get caught? "Look, Drishti completely slipped out of mind ever since I've been here. I'm sorry. She's not even my girlfriend."

"I believe you," I said sarcastically.

"Do you remember when we used to walk down the streets of New York?" I nodded. "In the crowd of people, there were reporters who saw us." I met his gaze more serious, now. "Don't worry, they didn't get any pictures of your face. The newspaper however put a huge headline: Rahul Khurana's Mystery Girl. It was on the day you left. Afterwards, reporters kept stalking me trying to find who I was with."

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