Chapter 6 - Ratty Office

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Chapter 6 - Ratty Office

"Do you know the time?"

I didn't know how long we had been sitting in his office.

"No," he replied without moving.

"I wonder how long it'll take for someone to find--" My statement was interrupted by a loud sound of thunder. Rain slapped the windows vigorously as if the raindrops fighting to see who they had confined indoors this time.

Rahul Khurana said some colorful words and went up to the window. "I hope you're not scared of this. I refuse to hold you if you are."

Greatly offended, I replied, "This isn't some Hindi soap opera, Mr. Khurana. I actually enjoy the sound of thunder. In fact, when I can't fall asleep, I put on the sound of rain." I went to his side and watched the mist starting to form on the glass. "I'm the dancing-in-the-rain type of girl. What about you?"

"What about me?"

"Are you a scaredy-cat or a dancing diva in the rain?"

He smiled. "I'm a I-hope-it-doesn't-rain-today kind of person. It seems like it always rains when I have something important to do."

"You had important business to tend to?" I asked slowly. "You should've told me to come in tomorrow. I got you stuck in here."

"The business has been tended to," he said. "I talked to the important person."

The phone call.

I didn't realize speaking to his sibling was so important for him.

He didn't say anything else as I wrote my name in the moisture on the glass.

I was about to say something when something ran over my foot. I looked down to see some small thing running away. "Ah! Chua! (Rat!)" I screamed. My eyes widened in fear as I brought my legs up on the chair and wrapped my arms around my knees. I almost screamed again as the small creature ran around again.

"What?" Rahul Khurana asked.

"There's a rat in your office! Get it away. Babaji (god), help!" I said, looking up at the ceiling. "Altu, jalal tu, aayi bala ko tal tu (a saying that basically means that God, you're the one--powerful and almighty--so please solve this trouble/problem that occurred)."

"Do you have to bother God for every little thing? There cannot possibly be a rat in my--oh shit, what is that?" He seemed to have seen the tiny creature running around as well. "The custodians are so dead."

"Forget that. Get rid of this thing!" I yelled at him.

I was trembling with fear. Even though the rat couldn't hurt me--actually, it could bite or spread plague--but I was still scared of it. The corners of my eyes were actually wet.

"This isn't some hindi soap opera, Mr. Khurana. I'm not scared of such little things," he mocked. "You're afraid of something that cannot physically attack you, Preet."

"Plague!" I proposed.

I never liked small, creepy creatures that inhabited secretive areas near humans. Back home, Mama made sure our house was nice and clean, so no cockroaches, lizards, or rats could come in. I refused to sleep in the house if I ever caught a lizard scouting our walls.

Here--in the mighty America--there was a rat!

Preet, maybe you should go back home, I thought to myself.

"Are you crying over a rat?" He seemed more appalled than anything as he walked over. He pulled his chair as close as he physically could next to me and sat down. "It's not going to do anything, you know?"

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