Chapter 26 Preet Gone Bald

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Dedicated to @_legallycrazy_. Her stories are great reads. And thanks so much for supporting me <3

Chapter 26 - Preet Gone Bald

Preet's P. O. V.

I went to see Lovely's younger brother and my cousin Navdeep aka Navi. I stopped by Sanam's place but he wasn't home. It had been a long time since I had seen my childhood best friend.

Disappointed, I ended up at the farm.

"Navi!" I shouted. The six foot tall, skinny guy smiled upon seeing me. He was sitting next to a baby calf, stroking its back.

"Look who came to see me. What's up, Preet?" He stood up to give me a side hug.

"Have some decency and call me 'didi' (sis). I'm fine," I said, though I wasn't serious. "Here's your breakfast." He wasted no time in snatching the tiffin box and devouring its contents. He didn't even wash his hands. Disgusting.

"Thanks for noticing me," a voice said behind me.

I turned only to find Sanam standing, wiggling his eyebrows. He looked mostly the same except for the very cropped brown-black hair on his head. His hazel eyes twinkled at me. His body was muscular built--as expected for a military guy.

"Where have you been?!" I said smiling.

"Went to see you, but Preeto came to see Navi," he said and went to take a seat next to Navi. Preeto was what Bebe--my great grandmother--called me sometimes.

"First, don't call me that. Second, how is the Indian army?" I inquired. "They let you take a leave?"

"If dad wasn't a retired colonel, I wouldn't have been able to take three weeks off," he said flatly. "Still, the Indian army is great. I love it."

I nodded. It was in his blood to join the army. His dad was a colonel, his brother a Major, and now, he was a Captain. I put an arm around the calf that had walked over to me.

"Now, Navi, why aren't you home?" I asked.

"Mummy and Papa want me to help with the farming," he said and sighed. Everyone knew he wanted to be a doctor since he was a child. "I tried for the medical entrance exams this year. Missed by one mark. One mark!" With an exasperated look, he sat back against the tree behind him.

"Next year--" Sanam started.

"No. They only gave me one chance. If I got in, I got in. If not, I had to help at this farm!" Navi said. "Nowadays, I stay here all day. That's what they want, right?"

"We'll talk to them. I'm sure they'll understand," I said encouragingly.

He shook his head and sat with a frown. I exchanged a glance with Sanam. Navi was always a stubborn child. I was surprised he didn't get in. He always aced all his exams--topper in academics.

"I don't think this idiot can be a doctor," Sanam teased. "If you really wanted to be a doctor, you would fight for your right. So undedicated."

With clenched teeth, Navi stood up and pulled his doctor's kit from behind the tree. He started looking down on the ground. A frog jumped by my foot and I jumped away in surprise. Navi bend down and picked it with his bare hands. "Watch," he told us. Sanam and I were worried for this child. Navi did this something to the frog and we thought it died. My cousin pulled out a scalpal and made a clean cut down the frog's body, revealing its anatomy.

"Ew," I said. Sanam was intently watching the surgery.

Navi called out different parts. He then pulled out a needle and thread-like substance from his kit and sewed or stitched the frog back.

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