Chapter 24 Heartbreak

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Chapter 24 - Heartbreak

"So, what's your decision about the deal?"

Rahul had called me (technically, Piyali) to ask if I wanted to go for a walk. Just us two. I didn't mind.

"We'll see tomorrow." Rahul was giving away no hints. "What would you do if I said 'yes' or 'no?'"

"If you say no, you won't get to kiss me afterwards," I said playfully.

He clucked his tongue. "That's doesn't sound good. I need to think this through."

I thought his scenario over seriously. "Either way I go back home on Saturday." Unfortunately.

"You didn't answer the question," he said as we crossed the street. "What would you do?"

"I dunno," I sighed. The deal was everything, but now, I didn't care what Rahul picked. "I'm fine with whatever you decide. Just . . . I--it's--I--" He patiently waited. In one breath, I said, "I don't want the deal to come between us, Rahul. Actually, I don't want anything to come between us."

Putting an arm around my shoulders, he replied, "Okay. Nothing's between us now." I chuckled.

Rahul and I walked for a while, laughing and talking.

"I love you."

Piya and I squealed. Our favorite drama was finally at the point where the hero--Amar--confessed to his love. His feelings took a while to clear up, but when they did, he couldn't wait to tell her that she meant the world to him. He was out of the country and sitting hurt in a hospital.

I was in tears at the beautiful scene. "She didn't confess back!" I complained when the girl cut the call.

"The audience knows the feeling's mutual when she cried," Piya inferred.

"Nonsense," I said.

"Then what do you suppose the girl ought to do?"

The drama queen inside me was dying to come out. "Go back. We'll rewatch Amar's confession and then I'll add what I wanted the actress to do. Can I borrow your phone for effect?"

She did as I told and handed me her phone.

Rahul's P.O.V

I was finishing my work when Drishti barged inside my office. She slammed the door behind. Closing my laptop, I looked at her.

"Do you not know how to knock?" These were basic manners.

Breathing heavily, she walked over to my desk. "Sorry. But I have something really important to show you."

"I'm really bus--" She held up two fingers, gesturing for two minutes. Taking out her iPhone, she tapped on it.

"What your dilli wali girlfriend thinks of you." I narrowed my eyes at her as a recording started.

"I don't like Rahul. I've never liked Rahul." What nonsense! "He's not perfect. He's not understandable." Preet told me she liked me. "You played Love Guru, Piya!" I sat back unsure. Love Guru? Piyali? There was a static noise and then the recording continued. "I wanted the deal. Yes. I went with the plan of making Rahul fall for me. Yes. I listened to you by staying close to him as much as possible. In the airplane. At Disney World. In the kayak. At the Wedding. I used Abhik to get Rahul to be jealous. I put the wrong address in the GPS and put us in danger! I even kissed him first for this dumb plan of yours."

I stared at the black screen with the sound recording. Preet and Piyali made a plan to make me . . . fall for her?

Earlier she told me she didn't want the deal to come between us. Liar liar. She wants the deal that bad? I ran a hand through my hair and turned to Drishti. No. There had to be a reasonable explanation.

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