A Second Chance

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"What the hell are you doing?" Madison whispered. "Get down!"

Y/N sat as she was with her mouth slightly open and eyes where Liam kissed Lydia on the cheek. Madison yanked her down to duck before Liam drove by and noticed the two had been spying on him. As soon as Liam drove away and the girls were in the clear, Madison spoke up, "Are you okay?"

"I can't believe it." Tears formed at the corner of Y/N's eyes.

"I'm sorry." Madison placed her hand on her shoulder. "I never liked him anyways. He seemed like such a cocky asshole and I was right. I'm sorry I was right though. I know how much you liked him."

A tear escaped and fell down Y/N's cheek.

"Let's switch seats." Madison said. "I'll drive us to buy us a pint of our favorite ice cream. You can sleep over at my house and we'll watch movies and let it all out. Okay?"

Y/N leaned in to hug her best friend tightly and whispered, "okay."

A few days later:

After spending the night at Madison's Friday night, the two decided to get away and leave everything behind. They drove up to the beach and spent the rest of the weekend at Madison parent's beach house. The two spent the entire weekend in the sun, swimming in ocean, and getting Y/N's mind off Liam. It didn't work. Y/N tried. She put on a fake smile, forced herself to laugh at Madison's jokes, and failed to push her anger aside. But every night she cried herself to sleep. She was in pain. She didn't want to see Liam, or hear from him. She ignored his calls, texts messages, and emails. She wanted nothing to do with him, but she knew she had to eventually see him.

That day was here.

Madison and Y/N left the beach Monday morning and drove straight to school, and purposely made it late to avoid running into Liam before first period. If Y/N were lucky, she wouldn't have to see him till their last class of the day. Madison never left her side between classes making sure Liam didn't approach her, and if she saw any of Liam's friends, she made sure Y/N took a different route to class. The day was going well until lunch came around.

"We need to talk," Liam approached Y/N and Madison's table.

"She has nothing to say to you," Madison defended. "Now, please go away."

"I wasn't talking to you," Liam directed to Madison, annoyed.

"But I'm talking to you. Now seriously, leave."

Liam had no clue what was going on. He did nothing wrong, other than maybe cancelling at the last minute again, but he didn't do anything wrong. Scott called an emergency pack meeting and since Liam hasn't told Y/N about his wolf stuff, he couldn't tell her the truth. He planned on telling her eventually. He really does like her, but he was afraid that once he told her, she would see him as a monster and walk away.

"Is this about me cancelling at the last minute?" Liam sat down next to Madison and in front of Y/N, hoping Madison would leave and Y/N would look at him. Instead she looked down at her tray, picking at her food with her fork.

"It has everything to do with Friday night," Madison was giving Liam the death glare.

"Seriously, I want to talk to Y/N. Could you please give me a minute, Madison?"

"No," Y/N finally spoke, still not looking up from her tray. "She stays, but you can leave."

Madison gave Liam a smile, and pointed her freshly manicure finger towards the exit door.

"I'm not leaving until you tell me what happened," Liam reached his hand out across the table to hold Y/N's hand.

Y/N immediately yanked her hand away. She quickly grabbed her book bag, got up from the table, and walked away, still making no eye contact with Liam. She couldn't look at him without replaying the moment he kissed Lydia on the cheek.

Teen Wolf's Liam Dunbar x Reader ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora