Chapter 45: Back to Scratch.

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I didn't know how long I've been here already, yep I'm still missing, and I am not found yet either, it feels like eternity when it might only be several days. I counted the days since I got whipped by Jennifer, I counted 7, that's a week, and God knows how long I stayed before that. I woke up in a different place now, I was on something really soft and cold, and another soft thing was behind my back. My hair was a mess right now, all knotted up and unwashed, I probably smell like the sewers right now, maybe even worse, I can't stand this. I tried figuring a way to escape but every time I would be let out of my depressing room I would be blindfolded, smart move. Something was different, however, I feel an air-draft hit right on my skin, not my clothes. I open my eyes only to see myself in what looked like a very hideous lingerie, it was a one-piece lingerie, my back felt like it was exposed vastly, almost until down my spine, and the front was all striped and my skin was showing, and it was unbelievably short, and it felt leathery. I tried moving but it only hurt me, I was chained, again. I look around the room only to see 3 people standing by the door, 3 guys actually, "Well, well, well, look who's back from the underworld.", one of them joked, and the voice was familiar, "What do we do now Scott ?", another guy asked, Scott ? "What the hell are you doing Scott ?", I asked weakly, my throat was still sore and so dry, my words basically came out as lower than whispers, "I am going to give you the most amazing yet horrific night of your life.", he smiled widely at me, "Oh, you remember those two ?", he pointed to the two familiar, shirtless guys before me and I immediately recognized them, "Lance Lore and Daniel Trevor, NYU.", I answered, I might be sick or so but I am aware of my surroundings, I'm just really weak, "You heard that boys ? she remembers you.", they all smirked, "God help me Scott if I lay my hands on your neck I-", "You will what ?", he interrupted me, "Punch me ? Whip me ? Kick me down there ? What are you going to do Rebecca ?", he got closer to me, he was basically on top of me right now, Lance and Daniel were on either of my sides on the bed just smirking, checking me out head-to-toe, and breathing into my neck, it was disgusting. Scott got closer to me that his breath was hitting my face, God, he really needs to brush his teeth, "You can't do anything Rebecca.", he whispered, "No one came for you and they won't come for you. They will never find you. At least not until we're done from you.", he whispered and he backed off, I felt like my world collapsed now. I knew what he was going to do along with Lance and Daniel. A little flashback, NYU, Sophomore year party, a girl was on the verge of getting raped in one of the fraternity houses by Lance and Daniel, Scott managed to get himself out of it by deleting any evidence on the tape recorded, I guess Jennifer might the one doing the recording this time. Its over for me, no one came for me, not even Luke. How fantastic.



2 weeks, 2 God damn weeks and we can't find Rebecca, even with her brothers and mother here looking for her we still can't find her. I am going insane, angry, and hopeless. I took a copy of the van's plate number and I did some search myself too, I may have been majoring in business but that didn't mean I didn't have some knowledge from my friends who majored in criminology. 53SJA5, I have my doubts about this plate number but then it might not be true. I lay my head on the couch and think it through, a few tears streamed down my face at this hopeless case, I don't want to give up on her, I don't want to leave her, God, she really got the best and worse of me. I close my eyes for a minute before I burst them open and I sit up straight. Wait a minute, the people who disappeared just as Rebecca did the day of the gathering 2 weeks ago were two, and there were two people who probably didn't even show up except for minutes, I look at the plate number again, SJA ? I wrote down the letters with one dash next to each of them, "S... Scott. J... Jennifer. A... "What does 'A' stand for ?", I whispered to myself, then another idea flickers in my head, I got up and I went to Rebecca's apartment and I grabbed one of her t-shirts and went back to my apartment.

"Blue! Come here buddy.", the dog came to me just like that and I bent down to him, "You might be of use to me you blue-eyed awesomeness, sniff this would you ?", I put Rebecca's shirt in front of his muzzle and he sniffed on it. I waited for anything coming out of him, a minute later he is barking uncontrollably and jumping by the door, "Good job boy.", I tied the chain to his collar and I ran with him to wherever he will lead me, but first, I had to get Officer Warren and some other people.


We got to an abandoned building just a few miles outside of New York, how is Blue not a police dog ? His sense of smell is outstanding. He sniffed around the place, "Are you sure ?", Hayden asked me, "Might as well try.", I told him, Officer Warren and some other policemen stood outside surrounding the place, I told them to turn their sirens off so we wouldn't cause any escapes, only me, Matthew, Andrea, Riley, and 3 policemen went inside to inspect the place.


We split around with one policeman and we searched the place. Then I heard sounds of people talking, "Guys, this way.", I whispered as low as I can and I walked towards a door that had a little light projecting out of it, I peeked through the little crack in the door only to see Rebecca tied to a bed and 4 people around her, Jennifer and Scott are there, I don't know the other two. "She's in here.", I whispered as low again but they had to wait for my signal to capture them, I waited for them to see what would happen and the boys were shirtless, as for Rebecca she was in some revealing lingerie, those people are dead, anger was in the form of evaporation form my skin, "This will make you snitch on us again and ruining our jobs once.", Scott told her, "Do it boys.", Jennifer demanded, she was holding a camera and recording everything, Rebecca was trying to move but she was chained and she was silent, and fear was drawn on her face but she was hiding it, they put a cloth on her mouth so she wouldn't scream, but what caught my eyes most was the slashes and scars all over her body. My breathing got heavier as I saw the other two guys trailing kisses down her neck and Scott slowly stripping off his pants, and stripping Rebecca too. That's it, I pushed the door open with my leg and the police barged in and captured everyone before they could do anything, "You bastard!", I started firing punches on Scott, I pinned him to the wall and I kept the punches going and I started kicking him until he was bleeding, Matthew, Hayden, and the other boys took me away and the police captured Scott, Jennifer, and the other two guys. The girls went to Rebecca and she was crying silently and having difficulty breathing, they covered her up with some blanket and tried calming her down. "Rebecca ?", I bent down to her and she just kept tearing up, "Rebs I'm right here, calm down now.", I pulled her into my and she continued crying.


The girls took Rebecca home and left me with her, Scott and Jennifer and the other two, Lance and Daniel, were spending some time in jail until things are sorted out. Poor Rebecca, I was glad I bust in before they could go further. "Rebecca ?", I knocked on her room's door, she locked herself up in there for almost 2 hours now and she won't open, all I hear is sniffing, she is crying, "Rebecca please open up.", I pleaded, no use, I sighed and I sat on the couch next to Race and Raiden, a crying Mrs. Forde was being embraced by Race's wife, "Sorry she won't open.", I told them, "Listen Lucas, go back to your apartment, we've been told you looked allot, go rest and come back later.", Race told me, "I would but I can't, not with her like this.", I told them, "We know how you feel about her, don't deny it, she's been through allot in two weeks, we'll take care of her.", Raiden added, "Just come back later, get some rest.", Race told me, I got up and I left to my apartment.

After all this time spent together, after finally seeing another side of her, someone just had to ruin it. Now its all back to zero, if not, negative one. Back to when she wouldn't trust a soul in a relationship, to when she gave cold yet full-of-sorry rejections. I couldn't believe she was making a slight progress with putting down her walls of insecurity and actually feel something different. It just broke me right now knowing it might never be the same after she takes her time to heal emotionally.

Writer's Note: Chapter 45! Sorry if I'm rushing things guys, I was just excited and all that :3  Anyways, enjoy it x

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