Chapter 43: The Return of the Bastard.

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So its been nearly a week or so since Luke and I came back from Europe, I miss that trip. I've been warming up to Luke now after my little situation with him back in Paris, but anyways, only 2 days did I get an invitation to another CEO gathering, I'm staring to get sick of those gatherings, all people do it talk business, drink, and eat. My idea of a 'CEO gathering' when I became one was, not only planning outstanding parties, but also getting to know each other and actually befriend one another, "Are you ready Rebs ?", Luke knocked on my room's door, "Yea.", I opened the door and I revealed myself in blue skinny jeans, a white blouse, and emerald-green blazer. I also wore heels that were the same color of my blazer and my hair was up in a ponytail, "You're not concerned about the stares ?", Luke asked as he eyes me from head to toe, "I don't give a damn.", I admitted, he smiled, "You look gorgeous. Lets go.", he grabbed my hand and we headed off in his car to some business CEO's mansion. I think they're not using their money wisely, the guy is single and in his late 20's, shouldn't he be married and expecting a child with all this fortune ?


We got to the gathering and I did get some stares for my outfit but I really couldn't care any less. I headed over to Riley, Andrea, and Kelsey along with their boyfriends and husbands, "Welcome back Rebecca.", Hayden told me, "Thanks Hayden, it feels good to be back.", I fired a friendly smile at him. "Excuse me guys, but I have to greet some other CEO's, excuse me for a minute.", I told them and I left.

I walked around greeting some people, the very minority of them actually knew how to deal with their money and spend it wisely, about 10 CEO's only out of allot here, including me.

I finished my greetings and I headed to the bar and grabbed some water. Just as I was walking back to Luke and the other girls something hit the back of my head and everything went black.



"How was Europe ?", Andrea asked, "It was good, pretty amazing, you guys should go for that one-month-tour.", I recommended, "Did Rebecca find anyone there if you know what I mean ? Not to be rude or anything.", Riley asked, I sighed, "No, not really.", I lied, I'm not sure myself if we're something, I don't want to rush her, and I don't want to tell our little group since I don't know how would she want other people to know.


Its been a while now and she hasn't returned, I know Rebecca doesn't take so long in greeting people, "Where did Rebecca go ?", Kelsey asked, "I could have sworn I saw her standing by the bar a while ago.", Jackson said, something deep down in my guts didn't feel right and I was getting worried, "Excuse me guys.", I told them and I went to the bathroom, not really the bathroom though, I just went inside to search for her.


"Have you guys seen Rebecca yet ?", I asked Hayden, Matthew, Jackson, and Thomas, "No, we thought she was with you.", they said, "Where's Rebecca ?", Kelsey asked, "I tried looking for her but I can't find her.", I told them, "And people are starting to leave now.", I added, "Did you call her or send her a message ?", Andrea asked, "I did, twice, she didn't answer or reply, she always replies.", I told them. We looked all over the entire place, every room, every bathroom, every inch of the unbelievably vast backyard and she is no where to be found, even Kyle, the gathering's host, looked with us. She didn't answer my calls or my texts and she always answers, "Where are you Rebecca ?", I asked myself. "Guys.", Rebecca's secretary, Kate, came out, she was probably in the bathroom, "I don't know if this could be of any help but, I arrived a bit late and I saw two people carrying her, I couldn't make out who they were but it was a man and some woman.", she told us, "So there were two people who didn't attend the rest of the gathering.", Riley said, "Are you sure you don't know who they were ?", Andrea asked, Kate nodded, "It was dark, they lifted her in a white van and drove off.", she told us, "I already called the police, they're sending someone over.", Kyle told us.


About 15 minutes later the cops arrived, they ran another search over the whole place, "Where is the girl that you say saw the kidnapping ?", Officer Warren asked me, "Kate!", I called her, she came to us and she looked so nervous, she is probably the youngest secretary out there, "Yes ?", she said, "How old are you ?",Officer Warren asked her, "I just turned 20.", she reluctantly said, "You still study, right ?", he asked her, she nodded, "Have you ever dealt with the police before ?", he asked her again, "No.", she shook her head, she seems nervous, "Its okay Kate, just answer a few questions.", I assured her, she nodded.


"Alright, last question Kate, do you remember the car's plate number ?", he asked her, "Uh...", she closed her eyes for a minute trying to remember, "5,", she began, "3,", she added as she looked to the ground, "SJA,", she added again, "5.", she finished, "Thank you Kate, you may leave now.", the officer told her. After she left the officer talked to me for bit, "We can find her.", he said, "By the car's plate number ?", I asked, I didn't study criminology but I heard they can locate people through it, hopefully, "There is a way, we will try our best and we will give you a call.", he told me, "Thank you Officer.", I told him and he left. "Can they find her ?", Andrea asked, "They will try their best.", I told them, "Well, keep us updated.", Kyle said, he was a good friend of Rebecca's, probably the same mindset with a slight difference.


I went back to Rebecca's apartment, might as well take Blue with me until they find her. I opened the door and he started jumping and barking, "Hey there buddy.", I bent down and rubbed his fur, he barked again and he let out some whimpers, "Rebecca is missing bud, sorry for that.", I rubbed behind his ears a bit, "So you'll have to stay with me until we find her.", I probably looked stupid talking to a dog. I grabbed Blue's bowl and the crunchies Rebecca feeds him and I took him to my apartment. My world is roughly shaken when I discovered she was missing, I hope we can find her, I seriously don't know what will happen if we can't find her.

Writer's Note: Chapter 43! Overprotective Lukey Pookey :3 Who do you think took Rebecca ? :3 (There is a hint btw ;)) Anyways, enjoy x

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