Chapter 30: I can show you the World.

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"Rebs wake up.", I shook her, "What is it ?", she muttered, "Its 1 pm, we overslept, we have exactly 5 hours before we can head to the airport, get up now.", I told her, "Can't we just spend the day here, I'm really sleepy.", she whined, I rolled my eyes and smiled, "I promise you tons of sleep when we get to our next destination, now get up Rebs.", I repeated, "Fine, I'm up.", she sat up and rubbed the back of her head, she looks adorable when she is half asleep.


We had lunch and I kept it a surprise to where we are going, she does not know I am taking her to a contemporary art museum nor Parc del Laberint d'Horta, its a park. Then at night we are off to Venice.


As we walked around the place we saw some weird pieces of art, "I don't understand how can you like these things, its so odd.", I told Rebecca, "I don't know why I like them myself, I just do, its so, as you said, odd.", she smiled. We got to this piece of 'art' which I doubt any of us would understand unlike other pieces, "What is that ?", I observed it, it was just red sticks glued together by Sergi Aguilar, "I have no idea, it doesn't have description to it.", Rebecca bent down a little to take a better look, "Ruta Vermella.", a curator stood by us and spoke, "What is it ?", Rebecca asked, "Ruta Vermella. Reverse - Obverse.", he smiled at us, "Is a retrospective exhibition tracing a sinuous path through Aguilar's more than forty years of sculptural practice. It is a compilation of his researches between object and process, his iron pieces and his tools, his experiments with the notions of scale and accumulation, his homages to Blinky Palermo and Giovanni Anselmo, as well as the drawings, photographs and audiovisual sequences made throughout his career. ", he explained, "So its like a mix of something ?", I asked, "Not really but close enough.", he told us, "I take you are a fan of art ?", he asked Rebecca, "Not a fan, just an interest.", she told him, "Ah, enjoy the exhibition.", he told us and he left to other people, "I didn't get it, did you ?", I asked her, "Kind of, hard to explain it though.", she said.We were done with the museum and now we were off to the park, "Any more surprises ?", she asked, "Just the last one, then we head to the airport.", I told her.


"We're here.", I told her, "Wow.", she was quite surprised, "Its a park-maze ?", she asked, "Mostly a maze.", I told her, "Lets go!", she squealed and pulled me by the hand into the bushy maze, she looks like a kid that has a pony awaiting her at the end of the maze, she is just adorable.


"I think we're lost.", I told her, "No we're not.", she panted, "How would you know ?", I asked her, "I don't, I'm just trying to be positive.", she smiled, we were dripping in sweat, and its only beginning of march. We have 2 more hours to be in the airport and 5 hours to board the plane, "Well we need to find the way out fast.", I told her, "Come on, lets go.", she said and we carried on fast-walking around the maze.


We made it out and we leaned against some tree, and she burst out laughing, "What's so funny ?", I asked, "This is funny, its so exciting.", she squealed, "Well I'm glad you liked it.", I told her, "Thank you for this trip Luke.", she said, "I'd show you the world Rebs.", I winked at her, she blushed as usual and I wrapped my arm around her pulling her close to me, "Luke you smell bad.", she admitted, "You're sweating too Rebs.", I told her.


We got to the hotel and each one of us took a quick shower, Rebecca went in first while I just gathered up some stuff here and there until she finishes so I can hop into the shower.


We were done showering and packing our things up. I checked us out of the hotel and we took a cab to the airport.


"Barcelona was fun.", I told Rebecca, we were sitting in some food court eating unbelievably good burgers and waiting for our flight to Venice, "I can't wait for Venice.", she said, "You'll like the places I set there.", I told her, "Oh really ? Where are you taking me ?", she asked as she stuffed her mouth with some French fries, "I can tell you the cities we're visiting but I can't tell you the sightseeing sites.", I told her, "Why not ?", she whined, "Its a surprise Rebs.", I winked at her and she rolled her eyes.

Writer's Note: Chapter 30! Parc del Laberint d'Horta up there. Anyways, enjoy it x

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