Chapter 4: The Good Friends are Hard to Find.

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So the Big 5 companies had an interview today. Being the only cooperation that's a medical centre, a fashion line, a law establishment, a real-estate agency, and a hosting company, we are the top 5 recommended companies in New York. It wasn't just an interview though, it was more like a company gathering. The biggest companies in New York come together every month at some place and a different company pays for it all. This month it was Hayden's company. We were in his mansion, in the backyard by the pool. As I entered I had a few interviewers and press attack me with questions and pictures, this is the usual of every month, they just never get tired of news, and the problem is that I don't have any new news. Some people think I am a stupid CEO because I act like a normal person, well how am I supposed to act ? A luxurious person who travels every weekend and spends her money on useless things and spoiling her dog, actually I kind of spoil my dog at times but not to the point where I would take him to animal spas and set up a special room for him, I wouldn't spend my money that way. "Ms. Forde is it true that you want to sell your company and start a new establishment somewhere else ?", "Ms. Forde do you think the Big 5 can unite and become a one company run by one person ?", "Ms. Forde, Ms. Forde, Ms. Forde....", I was growing sick of their questions, "No I am not selling the company, that's a first. Second, sure why not, I think uniting the 5 companies wouldn't be such a bad idea if we can have some understanding to one another and equal treatment.", I answered, "Ms. Forde is it true that you are having a secret love life ?", asked one female reported, "No, I am not having a secret love life and I am not intending to have one.", I told the press and I left. I took a few pictures with some other CEO's but then I rushed to the bar. People who would see me sitting at a bar somewhere drinking a juice would look at me in a very scornful way, its like they're saying 'Aren't you like in your 20's ? Why are you drinking orange juice ? Are you a kid ?', and what is wrong with orange juice ? Far more nutritious and healthier than alcoholic drinks, I must say.


As I was flipping through my phone in emails and social media I got disturbed, "What a lovely evening, huh ?", a guy asked, I didn't look at him, didn't bother, "Mhm.", I was sipping orange juice and still scrolling through my phone. "You're in a bar that has tons of drinks and you went for an orange juice ?", he asked, I stopped drinking and scrolling and looked at him, "Is it a problem for you ?", I asked, "No, I'm just wondering, Vodka please.", he told the waiter, "I didn't mean to be rude, I'm sorry.", he said, "Don't worry about it.", I told him, "What's your name ?", he asked, "Rebecca Forde.", I answered as I continued scrolling through my phone, "Rebecca Forde as in New York University psychiatry and psychology major ? As in Forde's Co. Rebecca Forde ?", he asked, "You know me, how ?", I asked, "I don't think you looked at me well Rebecca.", he said, I turned my head to him and I stared at him for minute, "Scott, right ?", I asked, "In the flesh.", he smiled, I smiled back, "I haven't seen you since college Rebecca.", he mentioned, "Yea, I was busy looking for work and building a job.", I told him, "And you become one of the top 5 CEO's in New York. I salute you.", he smirked, Scott Andrews, chocolate-brown hair, blue eyes, dashing smile but believe me, he is one of the most full-of-pride person I have come across in my life. Sure he might have the good looks, the job, and the money but he's just slightly arrogant. We attended NYU together with different majors but we used to hang around campus here and there, "How are you Rebecca ?", he asked, "I'm good Scott, and you ?", I asked, "I'm great.", he smiled, "So, tell me about your life, how is it ? With work and friends and love life.", he shook his eyebrows, I scoffed, "Its going good Scott, only I don't have a love life.", I admitted, "The beautiful Rebecca Forde doesn't have a love life ? I remember boys in NYU would die to get your attention.", he joked, I giggled, "I didn't find 'Mr. Right' yet, and I don't think I will because I am not interested.", I admitted, "Well, why ?", he asked, "If you think you can talk me through this please don't Scott, some of my friends tried to and they failed, just talk about something else. Lets talk about you.", I told him, he chuckled, "Well, I travel almost every month for a week somewhere new. I haven't found the right girl yet either, mostly because I am a care-free person, I like to have fun and explore the world.", he said, "So you're trying to imply that you are a player ?", I narrowed my eyes, "You're good psychologist Rebecca.", he smiled, "Excuse me ladies and gentlemen!", Hayden called from the side of the pool, "Thank you. First of all I would like to thank each and every one of you who showed up tonight, and now without further a due, the international buffet you were promised.", he pointed to the far end of his backyard, more like Central Park, there was an L-shaped line of dishes from all around the world. "Are you coming ?", asked Scott, "I will go later.", I told him and he left.


I sat there a few moments longer than I expected and ordered some nachos to dip my boredom in, until Luke showed up, "Hey.", he greeted, "Hey.", I greeted back, "Why are you alone ?", he asked, "I just don't feel like interacting with people.", I told him, "You don't feel like or you don't want to ?", he asked, "Since when did you become a psychologist ?", I punched his arm lightly, if there is anyone I could goof around and tell anything to without worrying it would be Luke, I've known him for so long, longer than I've known Jennifer and the other girls, and I haven't seen him for the past few years but despite that it was like he never left. "You were never hard to understand Rebs.", he smirked, I smiled, he took a piece of my nachos and ate it, "You ever heard of permission Luke ?", he asked, "Not when it comes to you holding a plate of Nachos Rebs.", he winked, I grabbed a piece of nachos dipped in cheese and I wiped it all over his cheek, "You did not just declare Food War II.", he smirked, "I think I might have.", I winked at him, he wiped the cheese off and re-wiped it on my cheek, "We're even now.", he smirked, I haven't his smirk or smile in so long, its kind of cute. "You want to get out of here ?", he asked, "Where will we go ?", I asked, "I don't know, anywhere, I've been here a few times before, we can go to the roof.", he said, I looked at the people who were still eating, "Get me out of here.", I got off the chair and I followed Luke to the roof.

We got there and it was just amazing, Hayden's house was kind of far from the city, and its distanced perfectly from there where I can see New York's skyline perfectly. "Hayden told me you were having trouble.", Luke spoke, "What do you mean ?", I asked, "He said that you don't want a relationship.", he said, "Riley...", I muttered, "Its okay, you can talk to me.", he said, "You know Riley, Andrea, Jennifer, and Kelsey right ?", I asked, he nodded, "Well, for the past year they have been trying to set me up with guys, Kelsey and Thomas are married, so are Riley and Hayden, Jennifer and Andrea both have boyfriends and I am the only single one.", I began, "Okay...", he said, "So recently they set me up with this guy Andrea's boyfriend knows, as much as he is a sweet guy and a nice one I was just not interested. Any girl would instantly fall in love with him but I just didn't feel it. I never felt it at all.", I admitted, "Why don't you want a relationship ?", he asked, "Because being in a relationship will tie you down from many things. Look at Jennifer for example, she can't go anywhere unless her boyfriend is texting her all the time she barely has time to talk to us, then he gives her curfew to end a night.", I told him, "Wow.", he said, "And Kelsey has an unbelievable husband, its always a must he comes with us and stays around us to watch over her. Sometimes he would get his friends and watch her from afar it makes us uncomfortable.", I added, he chuckled, "So can you see why I don't want to ? Whether married or having a boyfriend, I want to be free to explore the world, I want to travel endlessly without anyone telling me no, make my own decisions, stay out as long as I want. I don't mind doing it with someone, I don't even care who as long as I am not tied down.", I finished, he was smiling, "What are you smiling at ?", I asked, "You talk like you're 17 Rebs.", he kept smiling, "Yea, I know.", I said, "Its a good thing, you still hold on to your beliefs.", he said.


I didn't even realize it was getting late. I was getting tired and sleepy, I miss my bed. I took out my car's keys and headed to Hayden and Riley, "Guys, I'm leaving.", I told them, "Aren't you staying a bit longer ? We're playing a drinking game.", Jennifer said, "I wish I could guys but I am exhausted and I have an interns' gathering to attend tomorrow.", I told them, "Alright, bye.", they said and I left.

I got to my car and Luke stopped me, "Hey.", he said, "Do you think you can give me a ride with you ?", he asked, "Where's your ride ?", I asked, "I came with Jackson (Jennifer's boyfriend) and Matthew (Andrea's boyfriend).", he said, "Yea sure, hop in.", I told him. "Where do you live ?", I asked, "Eagle Street.", he retorted, "Where on Eagle street ?", I asked, "Next to the bookshop, the brick-red building.", he answered, "You live there ?", I asked, "Yea, why ?", he asked, "I live on the 3rd floor.", I told him, "Seriously ?", he asked, I nodded, "Which apartment ?", he asked, "315.", I told him, "316.", he said, "Hello neighbor.", he smirked, I chuckled.

I think the only person who hasn't criticized me on my life yet was Luke, he never did such thing to me for the time I knew him. Always the understanding one and the good friend, probably better than the girls. I love those girls but its just that, they're making feel insecure about myself and they just bring me down.

Writer's Note: #LucasIsTHEBest. Forever bae <3 You agree right ? Chapter 4 and enjoy it guys x

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