Chapter 2: Third time is a Charm ?

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So this is how my mornings start out; I go for a quick run around the area, get back home and exercise some more then I shower and get dressed decently for work. I make my own breakfast and I head out to work in my black Range Rover.


"Good morning Ms. Forde, Ms. Jones is waiting inside.", Kate said, "Thank you Kate.", I told her and I went inside to be greeted by Jennifer. "Good morning.", she greeted, "Good morning.", I greeted back, "Okay so, I know its early, but we had to do it.", she began, "Do what ?", I set my bag aside and I fed the fish, "Well, the girls and I have been seeing that you are not as outgoing as when we first started our businesses, so... Andrea asked her boyfriend if he can set up any of his single friends with you and you have a date at 6 pm at a fancy restaurant Rebecca.", she said, I was jaw-dropped, "You guys set me up on a date and arranged everything and I only know about it 6 hours before it ?", I was befuddled, "Well, she only told us yesterday night before we sleep and you had already slept so it wasn't really in our hands.", she faded, "Will you go Rebecca ? Matthew said the guy is nice and sweet, and his job isn't so bad too.", she said, I sighed, "Give me the restaurant's address.", I told her, she squealed and grabbed a pen and paper form my desk and wrote down the restaurant's name.


~Date Hour~

I arrived at the restaurant, it was a fancy restaurant, empty tonight, I entered and the host came up to me, "Table for one Miss ?", she asked, "Uhh, no, there's a reservation, Elliot King ?", I asked, she smiled, "This way Miss.", she escorted me inside to a table in the far corner of the place, the guy stood up as I arrived, "Rebecca Forde ?", he asked, "Yes.", I nodded, we shook hands, too formal, "I'm-", "Elliot King.", I beat him to it and smiled, he smiled back, "Have a seat, please.", he pulled out the chair for me, okay sweet move. He was wearing an electric blue suit, a white shirt, and a red rose hung on his left chest, classy and he is British. I wore a black dress, long, laced, sleeves, my back was exposed a bit and my hair was down to the side. "You look very beautiful Miss Forde.", he complimented, "Thank you, and please call me Rebecca.", I told him, he smiled, "No, honestly, Matthew and Andrea's description of you was far beyond true, you are just stunning, Rebecca.", he said, I blushed, "Thank you Elliot, you look really good too, I didn't get any description about you from anyone, sorry.", I told him, "Its okay.", he said, "So, what do you do ? Like job ?", I asked, "I'm in a real-estate company, not the head of it of course, but I am one of their best.", he told me. The waitress brought the food to our table and it was just silent throughout.

"So, how is your job ? Are you happy ?", he asked, "Its good. I guess you can say I am.", I retorted, "Well, being the CEO you should be.", he smiled, his smile is so dashing, my God. "Well, just because I'm the CEO doesn't mean I'm completely happy but I am satisfied.", I fired a slight smile at him, "What's your definition of happiness Rebecca ?",he asked, this is a surprise, I was never asked this question before, "My definition of happiness ?", I went silent for a minute there, "A simple life. The simplest there can be. I might be slightly rich, I have some advantages in airports and tourism, I can get discounts beyond counting but I wouldn't consider them as happiness like others would. My idea of happiness is the simple things, I travel with the normal people, I take tour busses, I walk, I get lost, I ask for help, I am independent and I don't really want much.", I told him, "Makes me think that you live in a small apartment overlooking the city's skyline.", he chuckled, "And indeed I do Elliot.", I told him, he was surprised, I giggled, "The ideas are mutual Rebecca.", he smiled at me. We continued talking about tons of other things, we didn't even realize the restaurant was about to close.

He walked me to my car and gave me a red rose, "Oh, thank you.", I looked at it and he gave me a kiss on the cheek, he grabbed my hand and wrote his number on it, "Call me when you want to hangout some other time.", he winked at me and he left. Well that was sweet.


I went back to my apartment and it was dark, I don't remember closing the lights before I leave, "Blue ?", I called my dog, I heard his barking and he started jumping on me, I could just feel it. A minute late the lights turn on and the girls jump in front of me, "Oh my God!", I yelled, "How was it ?!", they all asked, "It went fine.", I inhaled and exhaled some breaths, "Sorry.", they all apologized, "Did he ask you out on a second date ?", Andrea asked, "No but he gave me his number.", I showed them the back of my hand, they all squealed, "Calm down!", I yelled, they all shut up, "Ehm...", I said, "Even if he asked me out on a second date, I wouldn't go.", I admitted, they gasped, "But Becca, he's sweet and kind, how can you reject a second date ?", asked Kelsey, "I just don't feel like he is the one for me, sure he is perfect in many ways, a job, looks, smile, personality, but he just isn't the right one. And I don't think any other guy would be the right one.", I added, they sighed, "This is the third time Becs. Third time is supposed to be a charm.", Riley said, "When will you find Mr. Right ?", asked Jennifer, "I'm not waiting for him to come around honestly girls, maybe its not a meant-to-be for me.", I told them, "Don't be down and insecure about yourself, you're beautiful and amazing, any guy would be lucky to have you.", Riley sat down next to me on the couch, "He'll come around soon, you'll see.", said Kelsey, I sighed. I'm trying to tell them I do not want to be tied to a guy in a different way and they don't get it.

It might be nice to wake up everyday with something or someone to look forward to spend the day with and make memories but I'm just not ready and I don't think I'll ever be. I may be a psychiatrist but this doesn't have anything to do with it. I'm just not interested in it.

Writer's Note: Chapter 2. What do you guys think ? Enjoy x

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