Chapter One // Flashbacks

Start from the beginning

David was cooking breakfast. From the smell, it was pancakes and bacon. The bacon would be for him, since I was a vegetarian. David didn’t like pancakes but he cooked the most delicious ones in all of New Jersey.

“Your hair looks nice today.” David commented, winking at me. I raised my hand to it and, with utter distain, realized that I hadn’t brushed it this morning.

Glaring at David and trying to hide my blush, I ran back to my bedroom and grabbed my brush off of my dresser. I pulled my hair back into a messy bun, my bangs flopping back into my face immediately.

After running my hands over my hair and satisfying myself that there weren’t any bumps in my hair, I walked back out to the kitchen, my cheeks still slightly warm. David was standing at the counter, staring out the window with a coffee cup in his hand.

He’d looked almost identical the first time he’d brought me here, over two years ago.

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The first thing that alerted me to my surroundings was the bed and sheets. The sheets were clean, the bed soft. It was comfortable. What I’d called “home” was not comfortable. A warm or inviting bed would have been more out of place there than a whale in a Chinese restaurant.

I peaked through my eyelashes to get a look around without someone noticing that I was awake. I was in a barren room, devoid of all color and any furniture besides the bed.

Despite how wonderful the bed was, it gave me the creeps. The moment I saw that I was alone, I jumped out of it and hastened as far away from it as possible.

The room smelled wonderful. Like vanilla and lavender. The walls and floors were clean. No dust or cobwebs and no holes. It made all the hair on my neck stand up.

As a general rule, I didn’t have anything as nice as this. I never had.

I heard a small clatter from beyond the wall and froze, waiting for John to come rushing in, staggering and hollering about why I wasn’t cleaning up the house.

Then I remembered that I was at some new house, with some guy who’d caught me last night, when I’d tried to get away. He was probably a friend of John’s. He’d probably take me back once he knew I was awake. Maybe John was going to come and get me.

I opened the only door in the room, which was to my right, as quietly as I could. Looking to my right, I examined the narrow hallway. There were five doors, two on the right wall and three on the left. I crept out, trying very hard not to make a sound.

Poking my head into the kitchen, I saw my kidnapper. His short blonde hair was carelessly brushed through, leaving it messy. His green eyes were bright and lit up several different colors as the light from a small window hit them. He seemed to be a few inches taller than I, which would make him about 5’8”. He was wearing a green plaid shirt, the buttons open, showing a tight fitting black shirt that showed how muscular he was.

His head turned suddenly; he was looking at me. I was so caught up in his eyes that I didn’t even see him move until he was in front of me, pressing me back against the wall. The hallway was narrow so we were close together. I could feel his breath on my face.

He grinned at me. “Hey.” He said it casually, as if he hadn’t a care in the world.

I gaped at him, taken aback. He’d kidnapped me and all he had to say was ‘hey’? What a psycho.

When I continued to glare at him, his smile fell a little. “I know you’re probably scared, but I’m just trying to help you.”

I took a deep breath through my nose, not even daring to blink.

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