What was my inspiration in life ? 

He sighed, "Don't want to rush you, but next time we're meeting, you'll have to have a better answer for that part. At least, start searching something. Making efforts does count as you respecting the conditions of probation, because...it's true that it's not too easy out there after going out."

I puffed, "Alright."

"Fine. Do you have any questions ? Something that you didn't understand ? " I shook my head, "Okay...well, now time for the drugs and alcohol tests."

After the meeting with my probation officer, I walked back in RJ's penthouse to eat my lunch. I sighed as the elevator doors opened for me to get out. I looked down at the paper in my right hand. It was the restrictions and conditions for my probation, plus I had three numbers where I could get in contact with my probation officer and I had the address where I had to get my therapy sessions. I chose to have an individual therapy, because with a group, I knew that it was going to be annoying and surely take more time than the individual since in a group you have to listen to everybody story; plus I didn't specifically wanted to share mine with people. 

And I had to attend anger management classes also, but Mr.Collins saw how much it was bothering me, plus I didn't need it to him -I seemed to be a really calm person according to his opinion- so he was going to see if I could get out of it and if no, I had to go at least twice every week at first and if I behave, it was going to change to once every week. 

He'll call me to let me know and to tell me exactly where I was going to serve the community service. And after that, I was supposed to meet him every month. 

I was happy to have a nice and understanding probation officer though, because I could have a son of a bitch who would've made my life worse than it already was. 

Yes, thanks God for that.  

"Hey ! " I frowned hearing that voice and then noticed Laylani sitting on the couch in the living room. Since she was messing around with my cousin, I only met her like three times in total. Yes, she came to visit me with RJ once while I was locked up, then she came to pick me up when I got out with RJ and now she was here. 

I didn't know her personally, but RJ told me a lot about her, so I knew her a little...I guess. And I was not about to lie, she was as gorgeous as my cousin described her to me. Her skin was reminding me the sand under the sun -if it even makes sense- she had a pretty face with beautiful plump glossy lips and her hair was naturally curly. Yes, he got himself a gorgeous girlfriend. And with everything he told me, it seemed like she had a good personality that was going along with her physical beauty. 

"Hey..." I mumbled then cleared my throat, "How are you ? "

"I'm good. What about you ? "

"Uh...it could be worse. Where is RJ at ? " I asked looking around.

"He went to Walmart real quick. He's going to pick some food from Roscoe's, do you want me to call him so he can take something for you too ? "

I sighed. RJ and I were not talking since that little petty argument we had about two days ago. I was still giving him the attitude and he wasn't really liking it. We were both hard heads, so we could continue to act childish for awhile.

"Uh, no. I'll cook something."

"Are you sure ? "

"Yes, thanks."

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