Caught up!

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Somehow, I always end up either running from something or in some kind of situation, I can't explain. Where do I start this time..... first off, how about why I was currently thinking about my life choices. Well the answer was quite simple.... I triggered a goddamn trap.

Where you ask?

At Yagi's place.

How was I supposed to know that he had this secret room where no one was allowed to go in?! I couldn't know that there was actually the appartment from the upper floor attached to this one! Trust me this was weird. I didn't know about this. The reason why I found out that this was even possible was..... I .... alright, I got caught. I can't even say anything against this. I tried to sneak out of the house and then saw this one door I thought would just be some random small room but then there was this hatch to the top and then some wooden staircase came down while I was investigating this and when I went to see what the hell this was all about, I got trapped.

I pretty much walked around the place till I somehow ended up entangled and dangling up from the goddamn ceiling.

I was even wondering how a hero had this much of a silent life.

Well no wonder!!!!!

That freaking genius was hiding this.

Me: How do I get off here?!

In quite the literal sense of way.... I was really dangling from the ceiling upside down by a rope attached to my legs. This was not a moment where I should celebrate at all.


I can't let him find me or this will be over....

Plus I haven't even gotten the chance to mess with the police yet!

This is bullshit!

This is dogshit!

This is horseshit!

Well what now?

Should I just go sleep and ignore this?!


Shouldn't say it like tha tho....

Me: Does my mother even know about this?

Yagi: No and how did you even find your way in here?

The voice came out of nowhere but it was definitely Yagi and he was also standing there at the entrance of the room.

Me: Ahm... hi?

Yagi: *sigh* What are you even doing here my boy?

Me: I was exploring your space, found this place and yeah.... summs it up.

Yagi: And that's why you randomly open a hatch that is attached to the ceiling?

Me: .....good point.

Yagi: Now tell me what is really going on.

Me: I.... I can't.

Yagi: Something you can't tell me?

Me: Something like that.... it's.... it's personal.

Yagi: Alright, I won't question you about it but you still have to tell me why you are trying to sneak out that badly.

Was I that obvious?

Yagi: Yes.

Me: WHA-! I didn't say anything.

Yagi: It was written all over your face and I hoped that we settled that not endangering yourself.

Me: I am not!

Yagi: Then why?

Me: I want to get stronger!

Yagi: Stronger?

Me: Yeah! I mean look at me! I am pathetic. All I can do is run away but I don't even know basic defence and defending skills. I can't fight back even if I wanted too and here I am wanting to get into UA!

Yagi: Ua? Your mother is quite against it.

Me: I know what you are thinking but I am aiming at the gen ed course.

Yagi: If that's the case, then there is no need to train at all.


Yagi: Personal matters?

Me: Yeah..... I wanna proof that I could get into the hero course..... I just.....

Yagi: I'll train you.

Me: You what?

Yagi: I'll train you. It won't be easy but if you are willing, I'll train as a disciple.

Me: Why would you-

Yagi: Kid, you already know why. No need to ask such a question Izuku.

Me: Mom.... 

Yagi: No, you are like my own son. It doesn't matter that we don't share a single drop of blood. You and your mother became family to me.

Me: Oh.....

I could tell that there was more than this. He probably heard from Endeavor that he found me injured or they just saw my uniform. Hard to hide the blood stains or the scent of blood from a hero after all.... a pro and a number one at that too. He for sure knows that I am getting bullied but then again... would he ignore this? I think he would just because he is giving me space. Until now, he never really interfered with Hitoshi's matter nor mine at all unless he caught me and that misunderstanding but other than that.... I believe he was actually caring in his very own way.

Besides, he wasn't my real dad and I think this was another reason why he thought he had no right to tell me anything or intervene in a harder way.

Me: Thanks.

Yagi: Go get some sleep, we'll start in the morning.

Me: Okay but... can you get me down here first?

Yagi: Hahahahahahaha, I am sure you'll figure it out yourself. 

Me: NO! PLEASE! I am getting dizzy.

Yagi: Relax, I was joking.

Me: Not funny.

Was I about to regret his training?

Who knows but it was one hell of a golden opportunity. 

Try Me Bitch (Vigilante Deku)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя