She is the real boss of the doubt!!!

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It took me a bit to actually calm down and speak after seeing this one person dash out and the slipper getting thrown out of the room. Granny soon joined me too in a silent sipping of our tea and enjoying it of course. To be frank, I didn't dare to break this silent even though I knew I wouldn't get hurt at all since my quirk would help me out... still didn't meant that I wouldn't be able to feel anything at all.

Granny: Oh honey, how did this happen?

Me: School.

Granny: Which one?

Me: Aldera.

Granny: I will see to it.

Me: It's fine. I can deal with it.

Granny: No, no, no. This won't do. I can't let my future son in law get hurt.

Son in what?!

What did she say?

It took me soo much by surprise that I spit out all the tea I just sipped and had in my mouth. As if that wasn't enough, I started coughing and my lungs started burning as it seem that some of the tea went the wrong way. The granny immediately came to my side and patted my back while having this huge grin. I didn't know if I should be scared or relieved or happy about this.

Granny: Oh my... you must love this idea as well for you to react this much.


I am delighted.... as FUCK!

What do you think.... can't really say this now can I?

Me: *cough* who is *cough*

My coughing was quite bad but once I settled back to being able to talk, I had to find out everything she planned and knew which I didn't. I so hoped she didn't already planned the whole wedding before I would even see my groom. Wait, why was I even thinking about the wedding, I should start worrying about the other person too! I am innocent and that dude was probably dragged... wait maybe even her?! Why was I thinking about a him? 

I recalled her saying something about grandson on the phone earlier but now thinking about it, she did call me son in law which mean I would be the groom, no?

Gosh, this whole thing was so confusing.

Me: Who?

Granny: You mean your other half?

Me: No, I mean who is gonna be your son in law?

Granny: Of course it will be you. 

Me: Ahhh.... 

What do I say now?

How do I politley decline this?

Granny: Oh just wait till you see him. He is handsome and gentle and just perfect. 

Me: Who?

Granny: Shoto of course. Oh but if he does annoy you, you have the full right to beat him up. In fact send him to me so I can beat some sense into him. Of course he should follow his wife choices.

Now I was stuck there being speechless. I was glad I didn't dare to drink any more of the tea because I had a feeling she wouldn't stop any time soon.

Me: I am sure I am not his type.

Granny: Oh you so are his type.

Me: Maybe we don't like each other.

Granny: How can anyone despise you? You are an honest and gentle soul. I am sure he will love you just as much as everyone else.

Ohh if you only knew....

Hitoshi hates me....

Eraserhead is acting weird...

Bakugo is arch enemy...

And... well everyone else except that villain think I am suicidal.

There is no love in that except my mothers.

Me: I-Ahm-I

While I was thinking hard to come up with some kind of excuse, the door to the room suddenly opened and Endeavor came back. He wasn't alone tho. Someone followed him. He seemed to be my age and he had quite the look. I think he was hiding some six-pack beneath his shirt. I mean it was drenched and he did look sweaty or it was him coming out of a shower. Who knows, I wouldn't even dare to say anything about this eye candy for sure.

Granny: He is so you type huh. Just look at my best grandson. Look at the perfect skin tone, that charming scar and the bi collored hair and eye collor. 

Shoto: GRANDMA!!!!

Endeavor: MOTHER!!!!

Me: ...... *gulp*

Yeah... I was stuck in a situation, I didn't know what to say at all. Was it dangerous to admit that I infact did like what I see and it made me think that I might even like boys as well... with his look, everyone would be charmed. Gosh, I was started to doubt my own sexuality here.... and maybe I was wrong with liking just girls. 

When I realised that I was staring at him, I quickly avoided my eyes and looked to the floor. Was it just me or was the room starting to feel hot all of the sudden.

Granny: Look at the cuty blushing. Come here Shoto and take good care of your waifu.


If I wasn't blushing, then I would be now because of the embarrassment.

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