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The first thing we did were kinda get to one room in this huge and I mean HUGE  house and then drink some tea. He even asked his wife to prepare something light for me. Well that was all nice and well but there was one issue here. The person who came back with some sandwitches and a plate with some sliced bunny shapped applie pieces was granny..... THE GRANNY... that person who looked like a beggar.... that old woman I fed... and that old woman I came to really like.

Granny: Oh my... so you do know how to pick up something good as well.

Endeavor: What is that supposed to mean?

Granny: That means you did a poor job in taking care of our precious guest!

Endeavor: He just arrived. Cut him some slack mother.

Granny: Oh I am but not you. Get him some clean clothes! Can't you see that his uniform is damaged?!

Endeavor: Let him rest first.

Granny: And get my useless grandson here as well.

Endeavor: Useless?

Granny: I am proud of him but he is a lost cause now go.

Endeavor: *sigh* Mother you should take a rest. 

Until now he was sitting with me but not now anymore. It didn't really take him long to take the plate and put it on the desk in front of me and then basically pick up his grandmother and carry her out. She did started to curse him out soo badly and I thought she would even chew out his ears with how she was screaming. Her face was a bit red. Poor woman probably will take some of her life essence and throw it away to get this solved. She did pull his ear while he was ushing her out. Can't really say that happened but this woman was feirce and not to be underestimated.

Oh well....

She was the granny I know for sure.

Me: Hah... who would have thought that we will meet like this again...... still I am kinda happy to see that you are doing well....

It was just something I muttered under my breath while taking one of the sandwitches to snack on. This house was sure something else. I could already tell this much. Just a couple of minutes later, someone did enter the room but he had white hair and looked older than me. He had quite the black and blue uniform on.

???: No one told me we would- wait is that blood on your uniform?

Me: Probably.

???: FUCK that damn geezer doesn't even know how to take care of a child anymore..... my dad brought you here no?

Me: If you mean Surtur yeah....

???: Sur Who?!

Me: Imagine a huge, fiery giant -

???: Yup that is him.

Me: - with a sword that's always burning. 

???: Does he have a sword kink now?! Sheesh, never thought he would get a sword for himself. Doesn't seem like him at all....

He really can't let me finish talking huh....

Me: He's like a big bully who loves chaos and destruction.


Me: In the stories, he's the bad guy who comes stomping in when everything's going wrong, causing big, fiery trouble for everyone, especially the heroes.

???: Be honest are you playing with me right now?!

Me: Think of him as the ultimate fire-breathing, world-shaking villain in the coolest bedtime story ever!

???: ...... did you even villain and bedtime story?... so you are playing with me?!

Me: Yup. You didn't let me finish what I was saying. 

???: Sorry but who the hell are you talking about?

Me: Surtur is a character from Norse mythology. Who did you think I would describe?

???: Never heard of that man....

Me: Never heard of someone called "DAD" as a hero name too.

???: Do you even know who I am?

Is this one of these moments I will want to slap myself again cause I had no idea who this is? Maybe..... but let's ignore that for now and look at situation from another perspective. He was at least not a villain since Endeavor was a hero and his father. If he was one, then my god... what is wrong with this world.

Me: A hero.

???: Yes, so you do know me?!

Me: Nope, not at all.

Luckily for me the door was flung open and we both looked at a very angry old lady, aka granny, stoming towards this hero with something in her hand. I couldn't make out what it was until she was really close... this woman just went with a slipper after the one inside this room. He just looked at her, me, her and then bowed and ran out. Understandable... kinda... I would do it too... Mr. Slipper was definitelly not an opponent I would want to face.

Try Me Bitch (Vigilante Deku)Where stories live. Discover now