chapter 31

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Under the moonlight stood a nymph in white

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Under the moonlight stood a nymph in white. Yuhaan looked at her. She was glancing at the river near by. She looks gorgeous under the moonlight.

His heart heavied thinking of what he had done to this innocent soul.

"Daarika" he called her. She turned her gaze towards him and looked at him.

Yuhaan sighed deeply.

"Daarika, I know I've done terrible things to you in the past. I tortured and blamed you for the death of my first wife, and I can't express how much I regret it."

Daarika looked at Yuhaan with a mix of surprise and curiosity
"I never thought I'd hear you say that, Yuhaan. What made you change your mind?"

Yuhaan looks down, then back up at Daarika

"I realized that I was wrong to blame you for something that wasn't your fault. I've been carrying this guilt for a long time, and I can't bear it any longer. I want to make things right between us. I've been reflecting on my actions, and I realize that I've been unfair to you. I've been consumed by guilt and anger, and I took it out on you. I've come to understand that you had nothing to do with my first wife's death, and I was wrong to blame you."

Daarika's expression softened as she heard his words.
"I appreciate your honesty, Yuhaan. But it's not easy for me to forget what you've done.But why now? Why did it take you so long to realize this?"

Yuhaan looked into Daarika's eyes and said "I've been a fool, Daarika. I've been blinded by my own pain and grief. But I've come to see that you've been nothing . I've been so caught up in my own emotions that I failed to see the person you truly are."

Daarika smiled gently " I'm glad you've finally seen the light, Yuhaan. But what about your first wife? How do you feel about her now?"

Yuhaan looked away as he spoke
"I still miss her, Daarika. But I've come to realize that my anger and grief were misplaced. I can't bring her back, and I can't change the past. But I can make amends for my mistakes and move forward with you."

"I am not ready to be with you again Yuhaan" she said as she turned back.

Yuhaan looked at her.

"Daarika, I know my actions have caused you immense pain and suffering. I tortured and blamed you for the death of my first wife, and for that, I am truly sorry."

"Sorry?? I've been through so much since my childhood, Yuhaan. I never thought you'd be capable of such cruelty." Daarika said as tears welled up In her eyes.

"I know, and I deeply regret every moment of it. I've come to realize that my anger and grief clouded my judgment, and I allowed my emotions to control me.I was lost in my pain, and I couldn't see past my own suffering. I took it out on you, and I can't express how sorry I am for that." Yuhaan said.

"And now? What do you want from me now?" She asked

" I want to make things right, if that's even possible. I want to confess my love for you, and I seek your forgiveness. I know I don't deserve it, but I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me." he said

" I don't know, Yuhaan. It's not easy to forget the pain you've caused me." she said hesitated

" I understand, and I won't rush you. I just want you to know that I've changed, and I'm committed to making amends for my past mistakes."

" I appreciate your honesty, Yuhaan. I'll need time to process everything you've said." she said as she turned towards him.

"Of course, take all the time you need. I'll be here, waiting for your decision. I just want you to know that I love you, and I'll do whatever it takes to make things right between us." he said as he turned to leave.

He looked at her once again and she smiled slightly. He smiled back and left the place. Rum mountain Is in the borders of Hind.

Daarika looked at the lake near by. Her mind is messed up.

"Daarika!" She heard a scream. She turned back to see that she is tightly hugged by him.

Daarika was shocked.

"Yuhaan" she tried to take what's happening.

Suddenly she felt something liquid running on her.

She looked down and saw.......blood.

Yuhaan smiled at her.

Daarika looked back behind him to saw a man with Vail pushing the knife on Yuhaan's shoulder.

"Yuhaan!!" She got hold of him.

Before she could catch the assassin the Assassin ran away.

"Yuhaan" Daarika looked at the man who was in between a pool of blood by now.

Daarika immediately tore his cloth and wrapped in towards his shoulder.

"W-why did you do this?" Daarika asked as a tear fell down from her face.

"T-to protect you.....i-i was never there t-to protect you i-in y-your past......i-i can't see you g-get hurt" he said as he started coughing blood.

"Stop talking!' she said as she called the guards.

"I-i think m-my t-time has c-come........i-i deserve this" he said as she looked at him

"I said stop talking!"

Yuhaan was trying hard not to close his eyes but his eyes felt heavy. Daarika was tapping on his cheek so that he doesn't close his eyes.

Yuhaan leaned his hand and wipped her tear.

"I-i love y-yo-" his hand fell down.

Daarika's heart stopped......the world around her stopped. An moment of silence spread around her.

"Y-Yuhaan" she slightly shaked him.

No reply.

"Yuhaan!" She tapped his cheek.

No reply.

A tear fell down from her eyes.

"Yuhaan!!!!" She cried as she looked at his pale face.


Yuhaan died??

You guys are my 💖 heart 💓💓

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You guys are my 💖 heart 💓💓

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