chapter -16

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"concubine?" Daarika laughed at her statement

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"concubine?" Daarika laughed at her statement

"concubine?" Daarika laughed at her statement

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Tamana who was smiling still now lost her facial expressions.

"A mere woman in Sultan's haram dare to warn the legal wife of the sultan" Daarika said and Tamana 's brow tightened

"You! How dare to call me like that? Do you know who the hell I am?" Tamana yelled at her

"I Dare you to raise your voice at me ever again! " Daarika said coming forward

"Just because you married him doesn't mean that you will be his wife! Anyway after some days you would also be in his haram"  Tamana said

"Well the same goes with you! But now I am the second wife of the sultan who had got his name not like you all" Daarika said

Tamana's face harden at her words

"Says a w#tch" Tamana wispered

Daarika heard it and her hands clunched. She won't hesitate to punch her now

"You better stay away from my sultan or you won't like the consequences " Tamana said and Daarika chuckled at her words

"Your sultan?? *Chuckled* did you forgot he married me now?? He is mine legally unlike you"

"You!!!! She was about to slap Daarika when Daarika held her hand and twisted it making her Yelp in pain

"Leave my hand you b#tch!!" Tamana yelled at her and Daarika's grip tightened

"Dare you to call me that" she said

"I really want something when they say it can't be mine." Daarika continued

"Well now you said something can't be made mine right? Well if you want I can make it mine" she said

Tamana struggled in her hold

"Better behave well with me next time " Daarika said and left her hand

"I will make you to pay for this" Tamana said and went from there

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