Chapter 85

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Someone to Save



To be honest, I overestimated the time it would take us to get to Manhattan - it took us two days. I was here in winter this year and it took me three and a half days. I had to go around a lot of blockages and barriers, like snowdrifts and snowstorms. But that has melted now and it was blunt of me to assume we would need the same amount of time to get here as I did.

But we're here, that's what counts. We will find that pharmacy.

I try to remember the path I took. However, everything looked different when there was still snow everywhere. We found the amusement park. That's one huge win we've already made.

I like seeing Valencia this happy - this free.

Internally, I know she is worried and thinking about Henry, but when she stood there in the roller coaster cart and I told her that I wouldn't save her if she fell, that was a lie.

I would die for her.

At some point, I need to tell her. She will remember, maybe someone hasn't been blunt with the truth to her. But first is her brother.

I try to get a basic orientation. "Okay, follow me. Let's try to get there without dying."

Valencia cackles behind me about the irony in my words

We jump over the wire fence that marks the amusement park, then I lead Valencia to a street. This looks about right.

Now that it's daylight, everything looks different too. I was here in the dead of night. But I was right. There, at the far end, is that distinctive alley. The alley. From there it isn't far - or so I think. We walk along the street and take a turn into the alley. There isn't much other than a few dumpsters that have been here since the time I went here in winter.

The pharmacy's back door comes into my view. I put my hand on the handle.

Suddenly, I am hesitant. I don't know why.

But something - the tiny voice in the back of my head - keeps telling me that it won't be this easy.

Sure, we came here the long way to gather medicine, but what if something happens? We can't predict the future or what it'll hold for us.

I shake my head to try and force this voice to quiet down and open the door, practically pushing Valencia inside. She retains her balance and just narrows her eyes at me as if she's saying "Really?".

We quickly scan the room.

This is the break room. Everywhere is dust - except the place where it has been wiped away. I sat there this winter and waited for the snowstorm to pass through - I still remember me sitting there, cranked between the counter and table, freezing. Since that incident, I pack a blanket and a set of spare clothes.

Taking a deep breath, I continue my way to the front of the store. It is dark and the air smells musty. The content of the shelves is neatly organized - full.

Oh, if she knew.

The store seems like the owner just locked the door. This has already surprised me when I was here earlier. None of the contents were missing, until I set foot in here in the first place.

Behind the cashier's counter, I looked for the key I hid there. My hands close around the cold metal of the key chain. Valencia stands in the doorway of the break room and watches me.

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