Chapter 60

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Since the world ended, me and my brother were the only thing that kept us together.

Which meant enduring moments of distance, those of pain and also those of accepting it.

Which also meant moments like right now, us both sitting on the hardwood floor amit the toys in Henry's room.

I don't know why I am sitting here, it's dark and he should be asleep already.

But his nosy little questions dig holes into me, suddenly the plastic toys don't seem so interesting anymore.

"What did Dad do?"

Henry looks up to me, with a hopeful look, amid his pile of toys.

I look around on the floor and pick up a green plastic figure - an army man. "Dad worked as one of these." I place the figure in front of Henry on the ground.

"And mom used to make things like these." I wave with the paw of his plush cow.

A military Commander and a seamstress. That is what I remember.

"Where's Mommy and Daddy?" he suddenly asks.

I raise a brow. Sure, he is allowed to ask the question. It just surprises me that it's happening now.

How do I tell a child that I don't remember? Should I deny that they died, if I don't have full proof? Or should I let Henry live with the belief they went missing? One sounds as horrific as the other.

"When the earthquake happened, they went outside." I keep my reply simple.

"What is an earthquake?" Henry asks.

Of course he doesn't know.

Sometimes it's hard to explain things in child-friendly words.

I wrap my arm around him. "It's when the earth shakes. And the ground is moving."

Gently, I shake his shoulders, making him giggle. There shouldn't be a reason to, yet he doesn't draw the conclusions. I can't blame him, he is too young.

"So Mommy and Daddy went missing."

That is a response I didn't expect. "Possibly, yes."

Henry snuggles into my side. "Then you're my Mommy now."

I shake my head and ruffle through his curls. "No, I am not, I'll stay your sister. But I'll take care of you."

The wind howls outside, sharply around a corner of the house, and Henry's eyes nervously dart around in the room. "It's okay, hold my hand," I whisper and grab his small fingers.

The grip my brother has on his stuffed plush cow is undeniably striking me in fear too.

I can't be afraid. I have to be strong.

"What do you want to be?" I hear him quietly ask. My thoughts start to race. No one ever asked me about my future so far, I don't have a reasonable answer.

My eyes catch on a superhero figure on Henry's shelf.

"That." I point at it.

"A superhero?" Henry looks up to me, and his eyes lighten up. I nod.

"What is your name then?"

"My name?"

He sits up. "Superheros have great names. Like... Iron Fist. Or..."

𝗧𝗼𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗿𝗼𝘄'𝘀 𝗟𝗮𝘀𝘁 𝗕𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗵 | an apocalyptic novel ©Where stories live. Discover now