Chapter 13

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Breathe for Me



It's been some time.

And I regret my decision, I did as soon as I realized I don't know my way.

Of course I didn't find a post office, how would I, under these circumstances?

Because the clouds looked like they were building up on top of each other, soon to end in a downpour, I look for a place to rest.

I'll find my way back soon.

The best option is a subway tunnel for me since I refuse to hide in one of the crumbling buildings that would dare to collapse over my head as soon as I set foot into them.

The way down the stairs is dark, I can barely make out my bare hand in front of me.

Since my vision is limited, I rely on my other senses.

The tunnel leading to the subway is long and consists of tiled walls, as my fingers can feel the grout between each square.

A harsh blow of wind creeps up my back, urging me to walk further. I won't rest until I'm safe.

My feet stumble down the tunnel until I reach a wider plateau, telling from my hands roaming around in free air.

Suddenly, I hear noises.

Someone – or something - is here with me.

Am I being followed? The noise seems to be coming closer to me.

It sounds like footsteps in heavy boots.

What if it is someone trying to save me?

What if it isn't?

That irrational thought makes itself present as the only thing circulating in my mind.

Someone is following me. Someone is following me.

So I start running.

I run, like a deer blinded by headlights, through the dark, totally senseless.

My steps sound three times louder than I expected them to be on the ground.

The noise behind me doesn't quiet down, either, it's still approaching me, faster than I can run.

I tear open my eyes as wide as I can while I try to look behind me to the noise and in front of me to know the way in the dark.


Suddenly, my shoulder slams against something rough, something made out of steel, telling from the pain radiating in my bones.

My hands are shaking an incredible lot when I feel my way along the steel object I just so harshly bumped against.

A door?

My fingers grasp a handle. Without hesitation, I jerk it down, slamming my shoulder against it more and once more until the door gives way and I stumble into a cold space.

The footsteps are less than ten feet away from me. I back away from the door and fall down a set of metal stairs, back first. Five steps, each scraping along my bare skin as my shirt and jacket slide up from the impact.

I can't see in this fucking darkness.

Pain radiates through every fiber in my body, getting worse when I try to calm my erratic breath, it feels like my lungs are set on fire.

𝗧𝗼𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗿𝗼𝘄'𝘀 𝗟𝗮𝘀𝘁 𝗕𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗵 | an apocalyptic novel ©Where stories live. Discover now