Chapter 79

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Subtle Reminders



We made it.

We made it to the subway station. If we keep going at this pace, we'll quite possibly make it to a safe spot somewhere until midnight. The subway station lies there quietly in front of us. I can hear a faint ripple of water but other than that it seems abandoned.

At least that's what I hope. I'm not so sure anymore. I feel bad.

Valencia and I walk through the tunnel.

Our shoes squeak on the wet floor.

My mind is elsewhere. She has no idea how much the deceased people in the basement have torn apart my thoughts. I feel guilty, horrible and sad about what I saw. I didn't know they existed. I found out too late. Or...

The way they interlocked hands, the only object I spotted with my flashlight was an oddly familiar-looking pocket knife. The blade broke, whoever owned it was desperate, and determined to leave. And I only know one more person that had that attitude and pocket knife.

It can't be, right? Oh, how much I hoped they'd make it to the base...

I didn't know they both were there. But so did Valencia. Until we found each other, we didn't know the other existed. Survivor's guilt. That's what I feel right now. Valencia threw up from the sight - maybe also from the realization. If it were up to me, I'd have wanted to kneel right next to her and vomit too. But I kept myself together. Although, my stomach still complains.

My thoughts shift back to the plan. The plan. Two days - at maximum.

We can make it. We will make it. I've lost too many people before. I won't let it happen to yet another child. I shine my flashlight into the dark abyss in front of us. Absolute darkness scares me, it makes me draw out the most vivid things I can see in it, reminding me of the creatures I saw in the half-dream back in the base. But when there is a source of light, I can manage.

My hand on my belt, ready to pull out my gun, I walk forward. Valencia follows me at a safe distance. I see how she's easily startled, and uneasy.

I'm keeping too much from her. The dark truth as to why I'm here, why she is here. I know she's keeping something from me too. But mine is life-altering in her case. It could destroy everything she has believed in.

She doesn't know. She doesn't know the truth. And I'm afraid to tell her. I'll have to tell her at some point. But my mind physically keeps me from doing so. And I am afraid that I'll ruin everything I have built up with Valencia so far. Not that it means anything to me - we are strangers after all, but ...

I can't finish my thought, because there's a hollow noise at the end of the tunnel, straight at where the platform and rails are. It echoes through. I flinch.

Nobody should be here.

I pull out my gun and hold it behind my back. Valencia inhales and does the same.

She has two bullets. I have fifteen - still from the military base. I haven't told her about that either.

I reach out for Valencia's hand like I did when we spotted the affected deer in the one yard.

Thinking back to it now, I didn't even think about it twice. I just... did it. We need to stay together. In the book I'm reading, most of the people die because they split up. I don't want to test out that theory in real life.

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