Chapter 40

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Too close for Comfort



I can't sleep because my mind is uneasy. What Jason said wasn't right, maybe I also wasn't right for wanting to break his jaw.
I hope he doesn't get the idea of killing me in secrecy while I sleep.

My fingers dig into the rough brick wall of the barrack behind me and I take a deep inhale of the crisp outside air.
I faintly remember finding this secluded area here in the first place. A while ago, even before Suraya found me here, yet another sleepless night caught up to me and I wandered around to find a peaceful corner until I found the side exit of the barracks. Here.

It is quiet, not surprising considering it is night, but I feel like I can think here, while nothing but the cold air surrounds me. In my bunk, I feel like the shadows in the corners, where the light of the night guards' flashlights outside doesn't reach, judge me.

Maybe my father was right. Maybe I am too weak for the army. He should have just killed me when he had the ch-


I flinch at the sudden words.


She hesitantly stands in the half-opened door, leaning to leave. "Sorry for-"

"No, it's alright," I reassure her. She gives me a small smile and closes the door behind her when she steps out next to me. The door falls against the brick I placed there to get back inside later and my thoughts are allowed again. Although this time not as loud.

Sina grabs something from her pocket, I almost expect it to be her pocket knife, but she holds out a pack of cigarettes to me. "Want one?"
I shake my head. "No. Where did you get these? The storage unit doesn't hand that out."
She smirks sheepishly. "Got them from the General."
Internally, I want to roll my eyes, but I settle on crossing my arms. "Stealing now too, aren't you?"
She sighs. "Have you seen the collection in his office? He can throw them like confetti."

I don't know what to say to that.
She must have taken them when we were in the office for the briefing of our mission.

Silence spreads between us as Sina takes out one cigarette, places it loosely between her lips, and stores the pack again. Her lighter doesn't immediately ignite, but she shakes it and tries again. I just stare, dumb-funded.
"You smoke?"
Her eyes flick to mine. "No, but I need one."
The lighter swiftly illuminates the darkness of the night when it ignites.
That... doesn't make sense.

Sina knows it too, but she mundanely lights her cigarette in the flame and sighs. "Deep thoughts?"
Her question takes me back. "Yeah." I watch the smoke from the cigarette curl in the air.
"Me too." Her voice is quiet.
"You want to say something," I mumble. "You got that look on your face and the twitch in your jaw like you want to say something."

Our eyes lock.
"Yeah, I do. But can I say it without you getting defensive like you always do?" Her words hit a sore spot.
My insecurities are not official, they shouldn't be, so how does she know?
She continues to smoke for a couple of seconds. Now I feel that some kind of tension is in the air.
"Either say it or leave it, I guess," I gently say.

Sina sighs and blows out a cloud of smoke. "So, is it true? What he said?"
I frown, instantly knowing what she is referring to. My argument with Jason. She shouldn't know, she can't know. Although we shouted at each other, my dorm was too far away from hers to overhear our conversation. We even reside in two separate barracks.
"What's true?"
Her eyes narrow at me, suddenly, and the tension is replaced by agitation. "Don't lie to me, Honk!"
Honk - that's a new one. I raise my hands in defense.

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