Chapter 32

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Paper Boats and Alcohol



The flames of the campfire are already churning high into the sky when I spot two people approaching us from a distance.

And when I notice the white hair waving in the gentle breeze, I know it's Sina. And Jason.

I can't focus on them too long since Suraya nudges my side and nods to the can of food sitting in her hand, with her mouth full.

"This shit is delicious."

Poking around in the can to get some of the food on my fork, I grin.

The decision to sit next to Suraya was an easy one, simply out of two reasons. One, she wouldn't let me choose, she just dragged me by my arm to one of the tree trunks to sit on. Two, Sina wasn't here yet.

"It is," I nod after I downed the forkful.

The fire is warming, but the occasional cold daggers Jason shoots at me with his gaze from across the place are enough to cast a constant shiver over my skin.

It's odd, seeing the two of them together, avoiding each other's gazes. Something happened between them because Sina seems flustered.

The night sky is dark, we all can be glad the weather is playing in our favor here.

A few recruits begin to hum a melody that soon turns into a camp song. Suraya hums the first lines too, quietly to herself, but then shakes her head with a cackle. "I don't know from there on."

Her hand disappears in her backpack and nothing can hide the glistening of a glass bottle in her hands when she sheepishly pours herself a sip of the honeycomb-colored liquid into her steel cup.

I instantly know. "Rujii, what the f-"

"Don't snitch on me."

I scoff. "I won't, but seriously, hangovers are not something you need to experience."

"Whatever boats your float." Suraya shrugs and lets the bottle disappear in her backpack.

My back hunches over, feeling sore from the constant training, and I prop my elbows on my knees. "Whatever floats my boat. What am I saying, my paper boat was caught in a vicious storm and drowned long ago." I shake my head with a pained chuckle.

Suraya cackles again. "Then fold a new one, man, the imagination..." Her hand dances in the air, as if they are motioning a step-by-step instruction on how to.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see how Jason got up to whisper something into Sina's ear to which she grins and gets dragged up by his hand.

And when I look back to their spot after Suraya caught my attention once more, they are gone.

And I realize.

Oh my god, that?

"-is the reason why I'm telling you, pigeons are spies! Sent by the fucking government. They probably already saw me sleep..." Her slurred words tear me back.

She's drunk.

Suraya's drunk, after... three sips?

"Enough of that, get some water," I mutter and grab her cup, pouring the remaining alcohol onto the grass, to which she groans. "Aidan... seriously... I can... dance?" She seems partially surprised about her own words. "I can?" she asks, shocked, pointing towards herself as if she existed twice. "Hey.... Macarena..."

Her struggling attempts of wanting to get up from the tree trunk aren't hard to restrain by my arm pulling her down again.

She won't dance here. Or I'll have to snitch on her.

"Rujii, how much have you had-", I whisper hushed and unzip Suraya's backpack to get an image of the bottle. Two-thirds of the content is gone.

Fucking hell.

This will be a fun night.

I consider myself lucky that she is joyful when drunk.

They say alcohol highlights a certain part about yourself when you're drunk. A part you've deeply buried but that is still you.

In my father's case, it was his anger and dismay.

In Suraya's case, it is her sarcasm and chaotic kind.

She is young, too young, though. Sure, I get that she wants to experience things, but that?

I notice her abruptly straightening next to me on the tree trunk.

Oh, no.

"I'm..." She attempts to climb over it, "gon' throw up."

Her struggle results in her falling over her backpack and after she straightens, she sways over to a corner where she disappears behind briefly.

Well, that problem solved itself fast.

When Suraya returns to me, I can see her look of disgust through the darkness, illuminated by the campfire.

"Never again..." she grumbles.

Never again.

𝗧𝗼𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗿𝗼𝘄'𝘀 𝗟𝗮𝘀𝘁 𝗕𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗵 | an apocalyptic novel ©Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora