Chapter 70

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Connecting with the Stranger



June 14th, 2035

Day: 3239

My name is Valencia Evelany Forther.

I am 17 years old.

My brother, Henry, is nine.

I'm going out today.

After the third day of staying inside, I had enough. Enough of staying inside in this decrepit house that keeps crumbling away more and more the longer time goes on.

Henry still doesn't feel better, nor does he look better. Me taking him to the store might have worsened his condition. I'm going outside today, to find that stranger. I don't know what has gotten into me, but somehow the knowledge of not being alone but being alone at home bothers me.

Today, I need to find him, I have too many questions.

I consider telling Henry. He needs to at least know that I'll be gone for a bit.

The hinges of the bedroom door squeal when I push it open. My brother still sleeps. It is early morning. But still, he worries me. I walk over to his bed and sit on the mattress. "Hey, Henry..." I hum to wake him. He blinks a few times and looks at me.

"I'm going outside for a bit. Don't worry about me, please. I will be okay and I'll make it quick," I cut right to the chase. He nods and waves with the paw of his plush cow when I stand back up again and walk to the door. I stop short in the doorway and turn back around to him.

"I am lying, Henry. I won't be okay - in fact, I am not right now," I want to say, but I can't bring myself to.

Leaving him hurts.

I have to swallow a lump in my throat. Rarely do I feel easy to leave Henry alone at home - especially not now, after knowing that another human with unknown intentions lives in my neighborhood.

Intentions I plan on finding out today so I know how to treat the stranger - as a foe or friend.

I leave Henry's room and walk down the steps to the basement. There is one more thing I need to do before I leave to go out.

.. / .- -- / .- .-.. .. ...- . -.-.--

That's all. My ears ring. I expected more. But that's all the Morse code machine gives me as a signal. I passed out - and that was the message that came through as a signal.

I sigh and turn off the machine.

Okay, maybe decrypting that will be easy?

It is a considerably short message.

Sighing again, I look down at my messy handwriting.

After I marched back upstairs, I grab the book Basics of Morse Code, still lying on the table.

My fingers nervously drum on the marble kitchen countertop as I concentrate on decrypting the first dots and lines.

But my mind drifts elsewhere.

How did Henry send the message so easily? Without me noticing, too?

I never showed him in particular how to do it. And yet he did manage. But he didn't tell me. Does he not trust me? That thought comes to my mind faster than I wanted it to. I trust Henry. But why wouldn't he trust me? Is he scared of me - scared of me judging him?

My heart tears apart at that thought.

I don't think I am keeping much from him - well, I do, but it is to protect him.

And that fact alone is killing me constantly anew.

But I can imagine that he feels betrayed by me because I told him all along that we were alone.

I messed up. Big time.

And I know it. Even he knows it.


Those words stare at my face after I decrypted the Morse code signal. The message makes sense after reading it before the one the stranger has sent after. I decide to lock the Basics of Morse Code book in the drawer of my nightstand and take the notebook with me. I don't know what else Henry has planned on sending in encrypted messages through Morse code signals, and I won't feed his ideas. Before I leave, I quickly check the contents of my backpack and the rooms of our house one last time. Then, I open the front door and I leave.

The weather hasn't significantly improved during the last three days. The sun has been out a few times, but the dark clouds still hovering over the city and the cold wind make me think that the weather anomaly hasn't passed us yet.

I don't want to admit it, but when Henry isn't with me, I am faster on foot.

I'm looking for the stranger.

That's all I'm outside for today.

A huge part of me is worried that the weather anomaly might hit when I'm outside and Henry is all alone. And that part doesn't want to stop bothering my thoughts.

Henry will be okay. Please, he just has to be.

Collect your thoughts, Valencia. I'm looking for the stranger.

This is harder to do than I thought since I don't have an idea where to start looking.


That's one hint in the message. A bunker.

What does a typical bunker look like? Isn't it something like a shelter underground? Maybe a concrete building? Just keep your eyes open. You will find something. And maybe if it isn't today, then that's okay too.

I need medicine for Henry. If he has a fever or is sick - which I highly suspect - I need to restock.

There is a pharmacy near the grocery store we went to three days ago. The day I met the stranger. The day we met the stranger. And possibly the day Henry stopped trusting my words.

Maybe that's a good place to start looking, killing two birds with one stone.

I don't know why I'm suddenly so stuck on finding the stranger I avoided for the last few days.

I just need to talk to him.

And I don't know why I ran away.

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