chapter seventy six

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Two days ago

Jackson sits on the beach looking into the distance of the sea, his tears dry out from the cold breeze..

A few minutes ago he ran out of the Hong penthouse crying, his father just okay up and the worst possible thing to happen to him happened, his Dad didn't remember him at all not the times they spend together nothing..

He takes in a deep breathe, getting to his feet.. "calm down Jackson, he will remember don't worry.." he says to himself.. "this happened alot of times but everytime he remembered and it will happen again.." he lets out a small smile, turning around towards the way back to the penthouse..

Suddenly a piercing pain hits his back.. "shit.." he lets falls to his knees, instantly his vision start to blure.. "wh.. what's going on?" He lets out trying to keep his focus only to notice several people walking towards him..

"Wha.. what's go.. going on.." taking in deep breathes before falling flate on the ground, slowly the weakness in his body leaves him numb, is vision blured..

Feeling himself getting picked up but his body unable to fight, but into a car before it starts moving, his mind foggy trying to understand what's going on before falling asleep in the moving vehicle..


Jackson slowly opens his eyes, his body numb as he tries to move his legs and arms, his eyes half open as he takes in the darkness of the room, but something else catches his ears, soft footsteps moving closer to where he is..

"Jackson sweetie.."

Her voice sound so soft from her her mouth but Jackson knows her sweet voice holds only poison for everyone around her..

"You finally opened your eyes.." she's says running her and over his cheeks Jackson unable to defend himself he just sits in the chair.. "don't worry sweetie when you wake up tomorrow, everything will be so different okay.."

Her hand leaves his cheek, her footsteps moving away only to have soft music reach his ears so soft it made him even weaker.. "it's a beautiful song isn't it?" She asks the half awake boy..

"I know it's beautiful and very special, that's why I'm playing it just for you.." she smirkes.. "listen to the song okay, let it take you far from all the pain the suffering in you life so far that there's no pain, slowly you forget everything and everyone in your life and it's only you.." her tone so hipnotizing, Jackson's eyes closed as he listens to the light song Ma-ya words sending him far from reality...

"Now listen to me and only me okay.." her hand over his own.. "in a distance there stand a happy family, a mother father and their three sons, their names are Ma-ya Wang and Lucas Wang along with their children Taehyung Jungkook and Jackson, they are a happy family, they loved each other so much until one day.."

"One day a family by the name Hong family took everything from them, that family killed the father and the two oldest son, tortured the other son and his mother, they took the mother away from her child leaving him homeless for years.." she lies..

"Until now, the mother found her son after so many years.." she smiles.. "I finally found you Jackson, my little baby.." running her hand over both his cheeks.. "that's how your life was, those people are evil they killed your family but don't worry I'm here now and I will protect you all you have to do is listen to Mom.."

"I'm the only person the only person you will listen too, me your mother.." she smirkes as Jackson starts opening his eyes..


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