chapter seventy seven

13 4 2

Incheon international airport

"Incheon international airport has been hijacked and everyone is being held captive, the hijackers have not demanded anything yet, the public is worried about their family members trapped inside the building.."

"The country is even worried as it has been confirmed that the Hong family is also in the building along with Liliana Gomez some of the most important and popular people in the country right now.."

"But no report of any death has been reported yet, chief inspector Park Jimin has also been caught in the middle of everything after trying to catch Ma-ya Lee who was partners in crime with the late Jung Ji-woo, who tried kidnapping a young boy from the county.."

The nation is in panic and pray everyone gets out alive..

"Wow!!" The voice behind the mic lets out, mischief in his voice.. "you we have the richest family in Asia here, one of the most respected woman in the latina fashion industry and an inspector, that's nice I can't wait to play.." he laughs..

"Round everyone up to the waiting area, and get me the Hong family I have something to pick with those fools.." man start pulling out guns in the middle of everyone, listening to his words they start pushing people around to get them to kneel in the waiting area..

"That bitch just couldn't keep her mouth shut.." Yeosin says.. "maybe after killing them we go zip her mouth.."

"Don't start Ji-hun.."

"Just saying.." he shaddles.. "okay jokes aside, we have to figure are way to get the situation under our control which we are far from.." looking at how people get pushed around the airport by men..

"Before that lets get the family out of sight, because it seems like they want us all of a sudden.."

Hong house
Living room

The rest of the family that's at home is freaking out, Linda trying to keep the calm but with the news of having the family in an airport that's under armed men just doesn't sit well with any of them especially Bangchan..

"Bangchan calm down everything will be okay.." Linda says trying to stop Bangchan from leaving the house..

"They are being held captive by armed men what the hell do you mean they will be fine, is something wrong in your head?" Bangchan lets out furstrated at the woman who keeps pushing him back..

"Look okay it's not my choice to keep you here, your brother but out orders if any of us try to leave the house before his return it doesn't matter what the guards do but they can't leave us out of the premises understand.." she explains..

Bangchan lets out a chuckle.. "Ji Hong!" He yells.. "I don't care if he said that I'm going to him.." he tries to go through but this time Felix pushes him back.. " can't you get anything into your head you can't leave okay.."

"Why not, they are in danger.."

"It's not only them this house is also at risk now.." Lindi says.. "and how's that?"

"Do you know who the Hong's are?" Felix lets out.. "do you know how many enemies this family has? No you don't.."

"What the hell does that mean exactly?"

"Everyone in the whole country knows the Hong family is under captivity and if they were to attack the family house and the business they can do it with easy and you walking out of this house will only complicate things.." Felix explains.. "so just sit down and keep shut.."

"People don't know me, they don't know I if I'm part of this family so nothing will ever happen to me.." pushing past Felix, the rest closing their eyes at his persistence but don't stop him, they know he won't be able to go past the porch..

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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