Trust and Tensions

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Diana presses on, undeterred by the visible tension. "But, I promise you, I've changed. I don't want to hurt her...I want to protect her." Her voice carries a sincerity meant to bridge the chasm of mistrust that her actions had created.

Natasha remains standing, her stance rigid, as she processes Diana's admission and assurance. Her eyes, sharp and assessing, bore into Diana, searching for any hint of deceit. Natasha's expression remains unreadable, her eyes steely as she considers Diana's words. Finally, Natasha breaks the silence, her voice low but filled with unmistakable claritrty.

"I'm not one to be taken for a fool, Diana," Natasha states firmly, her tone leaving no room for misunderstanding. "I'm giving you this chance, but know this; there will be consequences if you step out of line." Her gaze hardens even further, the protective instincts for you flaring visibly. "If anything happens to Y/n by your hands, or even indirectly because of your actions, I will personally deal with you myself. No more chances."

Diana gives a nod in understand as she turns and reaches for the door, pausing to open it. Just as she's about to step out, she turns back, causing Natasha to pause once more from the documents she had resumed examining. Meeting Natasha's gaze again, Diana adds, "I just wanted to say, she looks really beautiful... pregnancy suits her well." There's a hint of wistfulness in Diana's voice, a fleeting shadow of what could have been, her mind briefly replaying that long ago night spent in bed discussing future dreams with you.

Natasha raises a brow at Diana's words, her expression unreadable. Her expression hardens slightly, her protective instincts surging as she hears the words. She stands, her posture rigid with a clear sense of authority and possessiveness. "While I appreciate the compliment directed at my wife," Natasha begins, her tone icy, "I must remind you to keep personal reflections to yourself. I agree she is stunning, carrying my child. But make no mistake, Diana, your past with her is just that; the past. Your role here is professional, and I expect it to stay that way."

The warning is stern and unambiguous, leaving no room for misunderstanding. Natasha's eyes lock onto Diana's, ensuring her message is received loud and clear.

Diana nods, but her features stay the same, the what ifs replay in her mind. "Understood, Agent Romanoff," she responds, her tone crestfallen. With a final glance, she turns and exits the office, closing the door behind her.

Natasha watches the door shut, and she lets out a slow breath, feeling the weight of the encounter dissipate. Leaning back in her chair, she looks up at the ceiling, the memories flooding back—all the pain that woman had inflicted on you and, indirectly, on her. She clenches her jaw, a silent vow forming in her mind; she'll be damned if anything were to take you away from her.

Regaining her composure, Natasha directs her attention back to the documents below. She moves the folder Diana had given her to the side, not ready to deal with it just yet. It's not just paperwork; it's a reminder of unresolved tensions.

As time passes, Natasha walks down the corridors with authoritative strides, her heels echoing in the quiet. She enters the training room where Wanda, Clint, Bucky, and Maria are standing with a group of agents and recruits. The room straightens instantly, every agent and recruit snapping to attention as soon as she steps in.

Natasha joins them, crossing her arms as she watches the recruits intently. Wanda steps closer, her voice a whisper, "How's my baby?"

Natasha's features soften at her words, a smile crossing her lips. "Your daughter is doing well," she playfully replies, referring to you in a way that acknowledges Wanda's affectionate concern. "Though her morning sickness seems to be the worst of it."

Wanda nods, her features etched in worry, clicking her tongue sympathetically. "My poor baby," she murmurs, almost to herself. "I did try calling her this morning but she didn't pick up."

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