Haunted Memories

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Natasha sits at her office desk at the university, engrossed in the task of flipping through Carol's progress reports. As she carefully examines each report, her keen eye scans for any irregularities or unusual patterns that may require further investigation.

She meticulously compares the data presented in the reports with the expected outcomes and benchmarks, ensuring that everything aligns as it should. Any discrepancies or anomalies immediately catch her attention, prompting her to delve deeper into the underlying reasons or potential issues

After Natasha finishes reviewing Carol's file, she lets out a deep breath, a mix of relief and cautiousness filling the air. While she doesn't find any immediate danger or alarming signs in the reports, she still can't fully trust Carol.

Natasha makes her way to the training room, where Maria is conducting a session with Carol. Standing with her arms crossed, Natasha positions herself near Maria, observing Carol with a keen eye. She pays close attention to her performance, behavior, and interactions, looking for any signs that may confirm or alleviate her concerns.

Natasha presence is a subtle reminder that she is being closely monitored and that any missteps or inconsistencies will not go unnoticed.

As Natasha stands by Maria, her eyes fixed on Carol, Maria leans over and speaks to Natasha in a soft tone. "She's been doing well so far," Maria says, trying to reassure her.

Natasha's gaze remains unwavering, her eyes filled with caution. She responds to Maria without taking her eyes off Carol. "Three weeks doesn't mean anything," Natasha replies firmly. Her words carry a hint of skepticism, a reminder that trust cannot be easily earned or regained

As Maria responds to Natasha's skepticism, she acknowledges Natasha's concerns. "I understand," Maria says, her voice filled with empathy. "But we can't deny that we need her on the team." Maria's words are gentle yet resolute, emphasizing the necessity of Carol's involvement.

Natasha's eyes dart towards Maria, a sharp and disapproving look on her face. "We don't need her," Natasha hisses, her voice laced with a mixture of frustration and defiance

Maria's expression softens, and she gives a sad smile as she looks back at Carol. She understands Natasha's reservations but also recognizes the practicality of the situation. "With you and Wanda retired from missions," Maria explains, "we need all the help we can get." She acknowledges the gap left by Natasha and Wanda's absence and the importance of having a capable and skilled individual like Carol on the team.

Natasha's jaw clenches tightly, her frustration evident. "She's lucky Y/n was the one deciding," Natasha hisses. "If it were me, she would be locked away forever."

As the weight of the situation settles on her shoulders, Natasha nods firmly and says, "Keep me posted." With purposeful strides, she walks out of the training room, the sound of her heels clicking with authority echoing through the corridor. Her destination is her office, where she can gather her thoughts and process the situation at hand.

Lost in her own thoughts, Natasha's eyes catch a familiar figure in the distance. Her mouth drops slightly as she sees you, confidently striding towards her. You push your sunglasses to the top of your head with a casual gesture, the sound of your heels echoing down the hall.

Unaware of Natasha's gaze, you are preoccupied with a paper in your hands. It's only when Natasha approaches you that you look up, meeting her captivating green eyes. The sight of her walking towards you, the epitome of grace and beauty, makes your heart skip a beat.

As Natasha reaches you, she gently cups your cheek, a tender gesture that speaks volumes of her affection. Pressing her lips to yours, she shares a heartfelt kiss, expressing her happiness at seeing you.

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