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Natasha's hand lands on Diana's cheek repeatedly, leaving bloody marks, before moving to her stomach. Maria burst into the cell, pulling Natasha away from Diana and demanding to know who let Natasha in.

Natasha shoves Maria off of her having Maria grab her by the arm and leading her into a nearby conference room.

"Natasha," Maria spoke firmly, "you need to seek help," she added with a touch of kindness in her voice. Looking out the window, Natasha's tired eyes revealed the toll of her sleepless nights haunted by the recurring nightmare of Diana.

In the dream, Natasha stood frozen as Diana relentlessly beats you. She can't help you, her legs won't let her. Again, she fails to protect you..over...and over again.

Shaking her head to rid the haunting images, Natasha uttered, "I'm fine," in a short tone. Maria stood beside her, arms crossed, gazing out the window in silence. "You're not fine," Maria spoke softly, "and it's okay not to be fine." Silence lingered in the room as Natasha chose not to respond, eventually leaving Maria alone with her thoughts. "How is she?" Maria inquires.

Natasha forces a sad smile, "She's improving, but it's only been a week since she returned home," she admitted, a sense of failure evident in her voice. "I failed her," Natasha muttered under her breath. Maria shook her head in disagreement. "I understand the pain Wanda's words caused you. But consider her perspective," Maria continued, causing Natasha to sharply turn her head towards her.

Raising her hands in a peaceful gesture, Maria explains, "Let me clarify. You didn't fail Y/n, but Wanda has endured profound losses. Her brother, parents, and even multiple pregnancies." Listening intently, Natasha's heart ached for Wanda. "When Y/n arrived, you could see how Wanda was drawn to her," Maria observed.

Natasha nods in agreement, her expression reflecting a mix of understanding and concern. "I know. Wanda mentioned feeling a strong urge to protect and care for her from the very beginning."

"Y/n holds a significant place in Wanda's heart, just like Y/n holds an important place in yours. She is her daughter, Natasha. Blood or not. She is her one and only daughter," Maria pointed out, her tone gentle yet firm, prompting Natasha to sigh. "Put yourself in Wanda's shoes. You know you would react the same way," Maria urged, emphasizing the importance of empathy and understanding.

"Does Y/n know of you and Wanda's fight?" Maria asked, her gaze focused on Natasha.

"No. But she senses something is off," Natasha admits, her voice laced with a hint of worry.

"Y/n is going to therapy, right?" Maria inquires further, her brow furrowed in concern.

"Yeah, she goes three times a week," Natasha confirmed, her mind racing with thoughts of how to stop this endless distrust Wanda has.

"Maybe the three of you should do therapy together," Maria suggested, her words hanging in the air, hinting at a path towards healing and reconciliation.

Natasha walks into the compound tossing her keys on the kitchen counter, her eyes softening as she spots you sitting at the kitchen island, engrossed in your laptop. "Detka," she greets you with a gentle smile, leaning in to plant a tender kiss on your lips before peering over your shoulder at the screen.

"Looking at wedding venues?" Natasha's voice carries excitement, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. "Anything caught your eye?" she asks, her curiosity evident.

You feel her presence as she turns the chair around, trapping you with her hands on either side of the seat. "I may have a rough idea," you respond, meeting her gaze as she rubs your cheek gently, a playful smile tugging at her lips.

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