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That night I come across Natasha in the living room sipping on some wine as she works on some paperwork.

"Hi." I sit down next her, she smiles at me putting her work down.

"Hey." her voice raspy. She takes my hand unwrapping the bandage as she checks my cuts.

"Feeling better?" I nod "Good." she says as she wraps my hand back up. She turns her whole body to face me, giving me her full attention. She takes a deep breath before speaking.

"I'm going to tell you something and I dont want you to get mad at me." she pauses holding my hand as she waits for my approval. I nod telling her to continue. "I went and spoke to Fury, and I obtained a copy of the police report from the incident." My eyes widen.


She takes another deep breath."I wanted Fury to know all of the things he did to you. Y/N... When I heard what he did....I was sick to my stomach." I pull my hand away from her standing up.

She stands up grabbing my hand. "Detka. Please. just hear me out." She begs. Her eyes pleading with mine. I nod. "Okay." I let out a shaky breath as I sit back down with her.

"I went to Fury to talk to him and to show him what he did to you. Fury told me that he knew all about it and that it was Jacksons probation officer who had him apply."

She pauses taking a breath.

"Apparently, Shield has a program to help divert troubled invidudals. But, the program has some restrictions in order to get in. Since this was Jacksons first offense, and he had received good behavior 'points' he was able to apply." She squeezes my hand as I take in all the information.

"So. He's allowed to be here?" I ask her softly.

"Legally, yes. But, also no. He isn't allowed anywhere near the compound without supervision. He isn't allowed anywhere near you without me being there. They have to directly contact me to let me know. I made sure of that." I let out a breath. I squeeze her hand.

"Thank you, Nat. For being there for me." I smile at her as she looks me deeply in my eyes.

"Y/N. I know you didn't want anyone knowing and I don't want you to feel alone."

she takes a deep breath before continuing..

"I'm going to tell you something that I never tell anyone. Have you ever heard about the Red Room?" I raise my eyebrow as I shake my head. Her eyes hold fear in them, I can tell she's uncomfortable. I squeeze her hand letting her know I'm here.


We sit there together, as I let her tell her story. All of my problems seems so small.

"Natasha....I'm so sorry." I wipe her tears with the pad of my thumb. She leans her cheek into the palm of my hand.

"Not so tough now, am I?" she chuckles, I shake my head squeezing her hand.

"You are the strongest woman I have ever met, Natasha. This goes to show how incredibly strong you are." Her face turns red as she looks away with a smile.

"Thank you, Y/N for listening. Even though I am only your supervisor." She puts her gaze back on me.

"That's not true Natasha. You're more than a supervisor to me." I kiss her cheek as I start blushing at the warmth of her skin. "I'm going to bed, I don't want my supervisor to be angry at me for staying up till midnight." I wink at her.

She chuckles, "I think she will understand. Goodnight, detka."

"Goodnight Nat." I smile at her before turning around heading to my room.

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