Her Children

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As your eyes flutter open in the bright room, a soft haze of light filters through the curtains, casting a gentle glow over the sterile hospital room. The rhythmic beeping of monitors fills the air. Slowly, you turn your gaze around the room, taking in the clinical surroundings that now envelop you.

In the corner of your vision, a vibrant flash of red catches your attention and you see Natasha's head resting gently on your arm. Her fiery red hair cascades like a waterfall, framing her face as she sleeps peacefully by your side. The warmth of her touch, her hand intertwined with yours, sends a comforting wave through your weary body.

As you try to make sense of the fragmented memories that swirl in your mind, a wave of exhaustion washes over you, a reminder of the battle that occurred between you and Diana.

As you close your heavy eyes, yearning for a moment of rest, the door to the room creaks open, a soft sound that pierces through the silence, and a gentle touch grazes your right arm. "Here, my loves, say hi to your sister," Wanda's voice whispers.

Your senses sharpen as you strain to listen, the words hanging in the air like a delicate melody. Two small bodies are carefully placed on your chest, their presence visable even before you open your eyes. The sweet scent of baby shampoo wafts towards you, coaxing your heavy eyelids to flutter open, revealing the precious gifts that now rest against you.

"Sweetheart?" Wanda's voice carries a hint of shock as she lifts the twins, their innocent faces gazing back at you with sleepy eyes handing them over gently to Vision.

Her hand cradles your cheek gently, a touch that speaks volumes of her love and concern, before she reaches for the call button to summon a nurse for assistance.

The sudden noise startles Natasha from her slumber, her eyes darting around the room until they settle on the scene unfolding before her.

A flicker of emotion passes through her gaze, a subtle tension in her jaw betraying the unresolved conflict from two nights ago. However, as she sees Wanda's unwavering focus on you, her hands tenderly cupping your cheeks, Natasha's instincts kick in and she swiftly moves to replace Wanda's touch with her own.

"Detka," Natasha's voice is a soft murmur, filled with overwhelming emotion as she smiles down at you, her heart swelling at the sight of you awake and aware.

"Hi," you manage to whisper weakly, a small smile gracing your lips as you meet Natasha's gaze before turning to your right, where Wanda and Vision stand with a mix of concern and relief on their faces.

"Mom?" confusion clouds your features as you look at Wanda, her gentle hand brushing a stray strand of hair from your face before placing a tender kiss on your forehead. "You had the babies?" you inquire, a sense of panic creeping in as you try to grasp the reality of the situation.

"I did," Wanda's voice is a soothing whisper, laced with reassurance. "Two days ago. You've only been out for two days," she adds, her words soothe your racing thoughts.

"I missed it..." the words escape your lips, a tinge of regret coloring your tone. "I'm sorry."

Wanda's expression softens, her confusion giving way to a tender smile. "Don't ever apologize, sweetheart," she replies, her voice filled with love and understanding.

As you refocus on Natasha, her eyes are filled with a complex mix of emotions; love, worry, guilt, and remorse swirling within their depths. "I'm sorry," she whispers, her voice laced with a heaviness that tugs at your heartstrings. You meet her gaze with furrowed brows, confusion evident in your expression. "Why are you sorry?" you inquire, searching for clarity in the midst of her guilt.

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