Chapter 34: Daycare

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Chapter 34: Daycare

Andy's POV

*One Month Later*

"I've scheduled you guys to start touring next month." Our band manager said.

"What! B-But, I'm not ready!" I panicked. "I've got a newborn at home!"

"Can your fiancé not take care of your newborn?" He asked. I slumped back on the couch and sighed. It's been a month since Scarlette returned to work and this is the first time that we've both been busy at the same time so Alice is watching Kaylee. Scarlette is doing better. Her and I are pretty evenly sharing the responsibility of parenting and we've gotten into a good routine with her work schedule. She's never really been alone with Kaylee before though, and there's always the worry in the back of my mind, especially if I'm touring around the country for 3 months.

"I'm sorry Andy, but you guys have taken too much time off. You need to get back out there. After this tour, you guys can take another break and focus on recording, but it's time to come back." My manager said.

"Okay." I sighed, not looking forward to the fight I'll be facing at home. Our manager gave us all of the details for the tour and then let us go. 

"Is everything okay Andy?" Lonny asked.

"Scarlette has never been left alone with the baby. She went through a depressive period where she wasn't helping, and now she's back at work so I've been home with Kaylee, but I've always been there. This time I won't be there and I'm freaking out a little. It's shitty to say, but I don't trust her with Kaylee. She is so unpredictable, I have no idea what's going to happen."

"If you need to rush home during the tour, we don't mind." Jake said.

"Yeah, this is a huge adjustment for you and we are here to support you with what you need." CC said.

"Alice could make frequent check-ins." Jinxx suggested.

"That would be awesome." I said with a smile. I said goodbye to the guys and drove over to Jinxx's house. I picked up Kaylee and drove home. I hung out at home with Kaylee until Scarlette got home.

"I'm home!" She called as she walked in the door.

"Welcome home!" I called from the couch. She walked into the living room, grabbed Kaylee from me, and sat on the couch.

"So Andy, I've been thinking. I think we need to enroll Kaylee in daycare. I mean, you had to leave her with Alice today, we can't keep doing that to her."

"I was thinking the same thing. It's actually perfect timing because we found out we are leaving for another tour next month." I said nervously.

"WHAT!" She exclaimed, her eyes going wide. Kaylee started crying and Scarlette started rocking and shushing her, trying to get her to calm down. "What do you mean you guys are going on tour? Kaylee will only be 4 months old!"

"I know, I tried fighting it but our manager told me I had no choice! He said after this tour we can take a break and focus on recording, but we have to do this."

"Ugh, great."

"Come on, you knew I would have to go back on tour at some point."

"Yeah, but, ugh, I don't know." 

"No Scarlette, tell me what you're thinking!"

"You know I hate when you leave for tour!"

"Oh my god, this again? Are we going to have the same fucking fight every time I go on tour?"

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