Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Scarlette's POV

*One Week Later*

I've been at my parents' for a week now and I've given us a lot of time to reconnect and repair our relationship. They've gotten so close with Kaylee and it just makes my heart swell. I've barely had to lift a finger while I've been here which has also been good for me mentally. 

"Don't you think you should at least let Andy know that you and Kaylee are okay? I'm sure he is worried sick about you." My mom said.

"He's fine." I sighed.

"Aren't you worried he will file a missing persons report? What if he tries to get Kaylee taken away from you?"

"Mom, your mind always jumps to the worst conclusions. He wouldn't dare take Kaylee from me. He's too busy with his band to take care of a child full time. Plus, no court would grant him full custody with how much he has to travel for work."

"I'm not saying you have to go back. I'm just saying you should contact him and let him know that you're okay and that he shouldn't worry."

"I'll think about it." I said, rolling my eyes.

Andy's POV

*The Next Day*

"Have a good day." I told the officers as they left my porch. I gave Scarlette a whole week to calm down, but I haven't heard a single thing from her. So, I filed a missing persons report. I missed my daughter and I missed my fiance. Part of me was so angry at Scarlette for taking Kaylee from me and depriving me of these critical bonding days with our newborn. Another part of me was worried sick that something happened to her and Kaylee. 

An hour after the cops left, there was a knock at my door. My heart sped up as I hurried to the front door. I was worried it was the cops back with bad news. I opened the door and saw Scarlette standing on the porch, empty handed.

"Where's Kaylee?" I asked, scanning the area.

"Wow, hello to you too asshole."

"Don't even start with me. You run out on me with our daughter and disappear and don't even let me know that you are somewhere safe. I can't get ahold of you worth shit for a week and I have to resort to filing a missing persons report!"

"Woah, you called the cops on me?" She asked defensively. 

"I had no choice! What if you and Kaylee were dead in a ditch somewhere? I have been worried sick Scarlette! I understand you were mad at me but this was cruel! I haven't been able to sleep or eat since you left! Now where is my daughter?"

"I've been staying with family. Kaylee is at their house and is safe. I came by to let you know I was safe, but now I see I should've just called."

"You should've brought my daughter." I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

"And let you steal her from me? No."

"Steal? You stole her from me!"

"I am her mother. I birthed her. She is way more mine than she is yours. I have every right to do what I want with her."

"Do you know how much you have hurt me Scarlette?"

"We can make a plan to meet up tomorrow in a neutral spot so you can see her."

"Please just come home." I begged.

"I don't feel safe to return home. Not after what you said."

"How long are you going to punish me for my stupid comment? I am so sorry that I said that to you. It was stupid and I wasn't thinking. It just came out but I swear I didn't mean it. You are an amazing mother and I'm so lucky to share parenthood with you. Please just let me actually experience parenthood with you."

"We can meet at the park down the street so you can see Kaylee. I just still need more time." She said.

"Okay." I sighed. "I love you."

"Bye Andy." She said, turning around and walking towards her car. I closed the door and slid to the floor, weeping into my hands.

"Andy?" My mom questioned.

"S-She's not coming back!" I cried as my mom wrapped her arms around me.


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