Chapter 33: Back to Work

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Chapter 33: Back to Work

Scarlette's POV

*Two Weeks Later*

I pulled on my scrubs and pulled my hair into a ponytail. It felt so good to be back in my scrubs. Ever since I decided to return to work, my mood has done a total 180. Today was my first day back and I was so excited.

"Are you sure you want to do this? Are you sure you don't want more time off?" Andy asked, holding Kaylee in his arms.

"I'm sure, I'm ready." I said, nodding.

"Alright." He said, passing Kaylee to me. I held her close and kissed the tip of her nose.

"Bye Kaylee, mommy is going to miss you so much, but I'll be back." I told her, snuggling her close to me. I've been started to form a closer connection with Kaylee, and really feeling like how I always imagined a mom should feel about their child. I handed her back to Andy and then hugged him, giving him a long kiss.

"Love you Andy. Thank you for letting me go back to work."

"Of course, love you too." He said. I grabbed my car keys and walked out of the house, heading to the car. I drove to the office and parked, walking in.

"Scarlette!" My girls exclaimed, rushing to hug me.

"Hi!" I laughed, hugging them back.

"How's the baby? Oh my god, I need to see pictures!" Amanda rambled. I pulled my phone and searched for a picture as I clocked in.

"This is Kaylee Nicole." I said, showing a recent photo of her.

"Oh my god, she is too cute!" Samantha gushed.

"I don't know how you could leave this!" Amanda exclaimed.

"I'll tell you more on lunch, but let me just say, I am so happy to be back." I laughed. I got my first patient and took them back. It took about two pictures before I felt like I hit my groove again. I quickly found my muscle memory and it felt like I had never left.

"So, tell us everything!" Amanda said as I sat down with her and Samantha for lunch.

"Truthfully, maternity leave was not good." I chuckled. "I actually got diagnosed with postpartum depression."

"Oh no!" Samantha said.

"Yeah, I wasn't bonding with Kaylee, Andy and I got in a huge fight which caused me to leave with Kaylee for a week, I just wasn't myself at all and I didn't like it. Once I got on some meds and started seeing a therapist, I started to turn around a little bit. It wasn't until I decided to come back that I finally started feeling normal again. I didn't realize how big work was in my life until I didn't have it."

"Well we definitely missed you so much and we are so glad you are back." Amanda said.

"How's Andy with the baby?" Samantha asked.

"Great, he's an amazing dad. There at the beginning, I wasn't really helping out a lot and he was left to do most of the tasks. He really loves Kaylee and it's so heartwarming to see him as a dad." I smiled.

"Sooo, wedding plans?" Amanda asked.

"Oh, I haven't even been able to think that far. I'm sure we'll just have a court wedding." I said, waving them off.

"No! You need a party!" Samantha exclaimed.

"Not really my style." I chuckled.

"Will we at least be invited to your court wedding?" Amanda asked.

"Definitely." I laughed. We finished up lunch and headed back to work. At the end of the day, I clocked out and drove home. I got out of the car and walked into the house.

"I'm home!" I called, kicking off my shoes.

"Mommy's home!" Andy cheered as he walked into the entryway with Kaylee.

"There's my baby!" I exclaimed, grabbing her from Andy and kissing her forehead. "How was your day with daddy, huh? Did you have fun?" I cooed before looking up at Andy. "How was your day?" I asked him.

"Fine." He shrugged. "We missed you though."

"Yeah, I missed you guys too. Work was absolutely amazing though." I said.

"You look happier than I've seen you in months."

"I really am. It felt so good to be back at work. I quickly fell into my groove and it was like I had never left."

"Well, I'm glad you had a good day." He smiled, kissing my lips.


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