Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Scarlette's POV

It took me about an hour to get home and pack up all of my things. With my parents' help, we got it loaded into the car and Kaylee strapped in.

"Please do not hesitate to come back if you need absolutely anything." My mom said, hugging me.

"Thanks mom." I smiled, grateful my relationship was being repaired with my parents. Now for Andy. I said goodbye to my dad and then climbed into the driver's seat. My parents said goodbye to Kaylee one last time and then I pulled out of the driveway. I drove home in silence, my heart beating out of my chest at the thought of going back home. I really love Andy and want us to get married and be a complete family. I'm just hoping things are not too broken where they are beyond repair.

I pulled into the driveway and let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding. I wasted some time, scrolling on social media, really not ready to go inside. After five minutes, I locked my phone and took a deep breath. I turned off the car and stepped out. I grabbed Kaylee's carrier and walked up to the house. I went to knock and then realized it was my house too. I opened the door and Andy was right next to me seconds later.

"Scarlette! Kaylee!" He exclaimed, hugging me and then picking his daughter up, holding her close and kissing her forehead. "I'm so glad you guys are home." He said, hugging me again. "Do you need help getting anything out of the car?" He asked and I nodded. He put Kaylee back into her carrier and then walked outside. He came back a minute later with all of the bags. He went upstairs, putting my bag in our room and Kaylee's bag in her nursery.

"Can I hold her?" Amy asked and I nodded. She bent down and picked Kaylee up out of her carrier and hugged her close.

"Scarlette, you haven't said a word since you walked in the door. You can speak, it's okay." Andy chuckled.

"Oh, I haven't? Sorry, I didn't realize." I said in a quiet voice.

"Well, I've already got my essentials moved into the guest room." He said, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"Thank you." I said. "I'm going to go lay down for a little bit if you don't mind."

"Not at all!" Andy said. I walked upstairs and into the bedroom. I laid on the bed and let out a big sigh.

Andy's POV

I heard the bedroom door close and let out a big breath.

"I hope things have changed." I said quietly. I looked over at Kaylee in my mom's arms and gave her a small smile.

"Andy, do you mind if we stay for a little bit longer? I just want to make sure you and Scarlette are okay. We can get a hotel." My mom said.

"Nonsense, stay as long as you'd like. I'm sure I'm going to need the extra hands." I sighed and walked to the living room.

Scarlette's POV

*The Next Day*

I was forcing myself to help with Kaylee here and there, but it was so hard to find the motivation for some reason. I wanted to show Andy that I'm trying to change and that I am a good mother, but I barely believe it myself.

"Scarlette." Andy said, knocking on the bedroom door.

"Yes?" I answered and he opened the door.

"My dad and I are going out for a bit, so it'll just be you girls."

"Okay." I said. He closed the door and I heard his feet on the stairs. About 10 minutes after they left, there was another knock on the door.

"Come in!" I called and Amy cracked the door open, just enough to pop her head in.

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