Chapter 22: Maternity Leave

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Chapter 22: Maternity Leave

Scarlette's POV

*3 Months Later*

"I'm going to miss you!" My co-worker Amanda said, awkwardly hugging me around my big belly that barely fit in my scrubs.

"I'll be back." I laughed.

"Sure you will." My other co-worker, Samantha smirked. "You're going to hold that little girl in your arms and will never want to put her down! I bet it's going to be so hard to come back to work and leave your baby."

"Nah, I love my job too much, and I'd miss you guys too much! A few months off is already too long!"

"Is Andy taking off?" Amanda asked.

"Yeah, their next tour isn't until the fall. It'll be nice to have the help for so long."

"You're so lucky his job is flexible like that." Samantha said and I nodded. I said bye to everyone before going out to my car. I slid in and turned it on, going home. When I got home, I went straight to the couch and propped my aching feet up. That is one thing I won't miss about working, being on my feet for eight hours a day.

"Hey, you're home. How was work?" Andy asked, walking into the living room.

"Good, I'm going to miss my girls." I said and then looked at him. "Foot rub?" I asked with a smile. He chuckled and sat at the end of the couch, picking up one of my feet and starting to rub it.

"Soon, you'll have the best girl." He smiled, reaching forward and rubbing my large belly.

"At least my friends do more than poop and cry." I laughed. "Actually, it was funny. Samantha was trying to convince me I won't want to come back once our girl is born."

"I mean, would that be such a bad thing?" He shrugged.

"Excuse me?"

"I mean, if you ever decide you want to be a stay at home mom, you can. It'd sure make things easier."

"What do you mean, easier?"

"I mean, we wouldn't have to worry about paying for and getting her to daycare."

"Well why don't you become a stay at home dad."

"Woah, chill out Scarlette. I'm not telling you that you have to stay home. I'm only telling you that the option will always be there. Plus, me quitting my job wouldn't really be smart."

"And why wouldn't it?"

"Oh don't play dumb Scarlette. I make the most money and we both know it."

"I can't believe you." I said, ripping my feet away from him and putting them on the ground. "Why do you always have to pick fights with me?"

"I am not picking a fight with you! I am just stating facts!"

"You're saying my job is not as important as yours!"

"I am not! We both have important jobs. I'm just saying, I bring in more money so it makes less sense for me to quit my job if it ever came down to that!"

"Fuck off Andy, guess where you're sleeping." I said, going to the stairs.

"Oh hell no, you're not kicking me out of the bed again!" He said, following me. I started running up the stairs to try to get to the bedroom before Andy when I tripped and fell forward, landing on my face.

"FUCK!" I screamed.

"Scarlette! Are you okay?" Andy asked, rushing over to me.

"Do I look okay?" I asked as he rolled me onto my back.

"Oh god, your nose is bleeding." He said. I put my hand up to my nose and pulled it away to see it covered in blood. "I'll get a paper towel, stay still." He said, getting up and running down the stairs and to the kitchen. He quickly came back and pressed the paper towel to my nose. I grabbed it and pinched my nose, trying to stop the bleeding.

"Is the baby okay?" He asked, pressing his hand to my stomach.

"I-I don't know." I said, fear filling me. I hadn't even thought about my baby.

"Come on, we're going to the hospital." He said, scooping me up and carrying me down the stairs. He grabbed his keys and ran us out the door, laying me down in the backseat. He ran back in to grab shoes and lock the door before coming back out to the car and starting it up. We drove in silence to the hospital, arriving in no time. Andy parked in front of the emeegency room and carried me up to the desk.

"M-My fiance is 8 months pregnant and fell on the stairs." Andy explained to the nurse at the desk.

"Fill out this paperwork and we will be with you shortly."

"Our baby could be dying!"

"Do you notice any blood or fetal distress?"


"Then fill out the paperwork and we will be with you shortly. We are very busy today."

"Ugh." Andy groaned, grabbing the clipboard and walking us to a pair of seats. He sat me down and then sat next to me, starting to fill out my info. He finished it as quick as possible, handing it back to the nurse. She printed out a hospital bracelet and Andy clasped it onto my wrist. It took another five minutes before my name was called.

"Can we get a wheelchair?" Andy asked and the nurse nodded, disappearing behind the double doors she was peeking out of. She came back with a wheelchair and wheeled it over to us. Andy helped me into it and the nurse wheeled me to my room.

"Change into the gown and I'll be right back." She said, leaving the room. Andy helped me change into the gown and get me settled into the bed. We sat in silence for a few minutes until the nurse returned. She asked me some general questions about what happened and symptoms. She took my vitals and then left. 

Five minutes later, a different woman walked in, wheeling in an ultrasound machine behind her. She set it up and turned it on, sitting on the stool next to my bed. I threw the blanket across my waist and lifted my gown up to reveal my stomach. She squeezed the gel onto my stomach and moved the transducer around.

"Everything looks normal." She said, flipping a switch and letting the baby's heartbeat sound throughout the room. "And a very strong heartbeat. Just to be safe, I'll send in our OBGYN to give you an exam." She said, turning off the machine and handing me a towel to wipe my stomach. She wheeled the machine with her as she left the room.

"Well, good thing she's okay." Andy said with a small smile.

"Yeah, that was scary." I said.

"I'm sorry, this is all my fault."

"You didn't make me fall."

"But I made a stupid comment and upset you, causing you to go up to the room. Then, I chased you and you ran."

"Andy, please don't blame yourself. I shouldn't have run."

"Anyways, I'm sorry in general. I hate that we fight so much."

"I know, but we always get through it and come out stronger."

"Yeah." He smiled. We waited another twenty minutes before the doctor walked in.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Stevens." She said, raising the stirrups that were attached to the bed. I put my feet in them and adjusted the blanket so I was covered. She put on gloves and gave me a quick exam.

"Well, everything looks normal." She said.

"That's a relief." I sighed with a smile.

"If you notice any bleeding, unusual pain, or lack of fetal movement, please come back in. I would suggest making an appointment with your regular OB in a week just for a check up. But, from the looks of it, you're almost there! Congratulations." She said, taking off her gloves and throwing them in the trash. She left and and I threw my legs over the side of the bed. Andy helped me get dressed and walked me out to the reception desk. He checked me out and we went back to the car.


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