Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Andy's POV

*Three Months Later*

For the month that I was home, Scarlette and I spent every possible second together. We hung out every day and then alternated weekends at each other's places. I stayed at her apartment for a weekend and then she would spend the next weekend at my house and we did that for a month. I wanted to spend as much time with her to make her as comfortable as possible with me leaving for another tour. Especially because we aren't doing California dates until the end of tour, which means we will truly go almost three months without seeing each other. 

When I left, I could definitely tell she was upset and she didn't want me to leave, but of course she wouldn't tell me that. I try to call and video chat with her as much as possible so it's almost like I'm not across the country from her. It's hard to be away from her so much, it really is. That's the hardest part of this job. We've been dating for six months and I think I'm truly in love with her.

I woke up and immediately picked up my phone to call Scarlette. We're finally in the last month of tour and we've made it to the west coast part of the tour. After this tour, we are done with long tours for the year. We have a few festival dates lined up in October and November both in the states and overseas and then we take a break for the holidays. I'm hoping to convince Scarlette to come to Ohio with me for either Thanksgiving or Christmas so she can meet my parents. I'm also hoping I can meet her parents soon as well. I mean, we've been dating for six months, I think it's about time we take that next step.

"Hello?" A male voice answered. I raised my eyebrow and pulled the phone away from my ear to check that I called the right number. I saw Scarlette's face light up the screen and put the phone back to my ear. "Hello?" The voice asked again.

"Who's this?"


"You idiot, why are you answering my fucking phone, give me that." I heard Scarlette say, her voice getting louder as she got closer.

Scarlette's POV

"Go home." I said, ripping my phone from this strangers hand. Well, not so much a stranger anymore. I looked at the screen and saw Andy's name. My heart sank and I froze.

"What the fuck is going on?" I heard Andy say. I put the phone to my ear and took a deep breath.

"A-Andy." I said.

"Who the fuck was that Scarlette?"

"I-I-uh." I stuttered.

"I swear to god you better not tell me that you fucking cheated on me."

"I'm so sorry Andy." I started to sob. "I-I went out drinking last night and-and I was upset that you were gone and I-I was missing you and oh my god, I'm so sorry."

"I can't fucking believe you Scarlette! I trusted you to be faithful to me and our relationship and you betray me? What the hell!"

"What do you expect Andy? You leave me alone for three months at a time and then are only home for a month. That's no way to build a relationship!"

"What do you fucking expect? I am doing my job! I'm sorry I don't have a 9 to 5 like you, but this is what I've decided to do with my life. I gave you a fucking out and you decided not to take it. I told you that you have to get used to me touring or we break up. That's literally what it comes down to. You can come on tour, but you have a job that you love and I don't want you to give it up. Just like I shouldn't have to give up my dream for a fucking whore like you!"

"Excuse me? What the fuck did you just call me?" I screamed, feeling my blood start to boil.

"You got drunk and went home with a random guy from the bar and cheated on your boyfriend. What the fuck else are you considered? Definitely not a faithful fucking girlfriend. I have been working so hard to keep this relationship running, on and off tour. Fuck off Scarlette." He said and hung up. I screamed and threw my phone, flopping backwards onto my bed, letting the tears flow from my eyes.

Andy's POV

I left my phone in my bunk as I stood up and walked to the bathroom. I closed and locked the door behind me, gripping onto the sink and staring at myself in the mirror. I shook my head and splashed water on my face before leaving the bathroom. I went out to the lounge and started to make myself some breakfast. 

"I...what happened?" CC asked. All of the guys were sitting in the lounge and I knew they heard the whole fight.

"Scarlette fucking cheated on me." I grumbled, grabbing my breakfast and sitting in an empty spot on the couch.

"What the hell?" Jake asked. I just shook my head.

"I don't want to talk about it." I said, angrily scarfing down my breakfast.


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