Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Scarlette's POV

The next day, I strapped Kaylee into her car seat and started up the car. I got in the driver's seat and my mom got in the passenger seat. We were headed to a park to meet up with Andy so he could see Kaylee. We got to the park and I saw Andy sitting on a bench. I got out of the car and opened the back door, grabbing Kaylee's carrier. I closed both doors, causing Andy's head to snap towards me. 

I walked away from the car and closer to where Andy was. My mom got out of the car but sat on the hood, watching us. I asked for her to come in case Andy tried to run off with Kaylee. I walked up to Andy without a word and placed her carrier on the bench.

"Oh my baby!" Andy exclaimed, unbuckling Kaylee from her carrier and lifting her up. He held her close, closing his eyes and taking a deep inhale. I bit my lip and looked at the ground. I felt a twinge of sadness, watching Andy be so loving after Kaylee. It made me feel like an asshole for taking her as abruptly as I did. 

"I'm sorry." I said, tears rapidly falling from my eyes. Andy didn't reply and I looked up to see him just looking at me, chewing on his lip. "I'm sorry for running. I'm sorry for taking her from you. I'm sorry for disappearing."

"I'm sorry for saying you're a bad mom. You're not, you're a great mom." He said, reaching out and touching my hand. I could tell he didn't want to put Kaylee down because he wasn't sure how long he would be able to hold her. "Scarlette, will you please come home."

"I-I don't know if I'm ready. We can set up a schedule for times we get Kaylee."

"Like a custody schedule? Are you breaking up with me Scarlette?"

"No, I just need a break."

"Scarlette, if you need a break for more than a week for a fight, it concerns me that you might not ever be ready."

"I'm just going through so many feelings and I can't make sense of them all." I said, breaking into full out sobs and sitting on the bench.

"I'm fine if you're not ready to be back to normal. I just want my family under the same roof again. I don't want a custody agreement for my newborn. I don't want to see my baby on just the weekends. I'll give you the bedroom and I'll sleep in the guest room until you're ready. Just please come back." Andy begged.

"I'll go back to my parents' house and pack my stuff." I said.

"Oh thank god." He said, placing Kaylee back in her carrier and wrapping me in a tight hug. "I won't kiss you but I just want you to know how bad I want to." He said.

"I'll go to my parents' house, pack, and then drive over." I said.

"Can I take Kaylee home with me?" He asked nervously.

"Andy, you need to trust that I will come back."

"If you're not at the house in two hours, I swear I will press kidnapping charges. This is done Scarlette, do you hear me?"

"I hear you. I'll see you soon."

"Thank you Scarlette." Andy said.

"Thank you." I said, standing up and carrying Kaylee back to the car. I strapped her in and my mom got in the driver's seat.

"How'd it go?" My mom asked.

"I'm going back home." I said.

"Alright, let's get you packing." My mom said, putting the car in reverse and pulling away from the park.

Andy's POV

I looked at the time once I got back to my car. 1:00 pm. At 3:00, I will be making the call. I drove home and walked in, my parents rushing up to me.

"What happened?" My mom asked.

"She's coming home." I said, my voice breaking as I began to cry.

"Well lets sit. Tell me everything that happened." My mom said, grabbing my shoulders and leading me to the couch. My dad followed behind us.

"She's not ready to go back to being us. She's barely ready to come back. She wanted some kind of bullshit custody agreement for our fucking newborn. I told her no, but I offered her the bedroom and some space, as long as she would come home. That's the agreement we came to. I gave her 2 hours to get here so I would call the cops for kidnapping. I'm done being away from my daughter. I've already missed a week of her life."

"A week wasn't enough for her to cool down?" My dad asked.

"I guess not! I didn't think this would be the fight that broke us." I sniffed, wiping the tears from my cheeks. "She said that she's managing a lot of emotions right now."

"Oh my, I am so stupid. I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier!" My mom exclaimed.

"What?" My dad and I asked, looking at her.

"There's a chance that Scarlette has postpartum depression."

"Post whaty what?" I asked.

"This sometimes happens to women after they have a baby. They fall into this depression that includes having trouble connecting with their child and intense mood swings."

"Scarlette would freak if I even suggested there was something wrong with her." I said, shaking my head.

"What if I brought it up?" My mom asked.


Do you think Andy's mom should bring up the PPD? Do you think Scarlette has it? Do you think Scarlette should've come back home? Let me know what you think!

Comments motivate me to update!

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