Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Scarlette's POV

*Three Days Later*

As the days go on, I feel less and less connected to my daughter. I feel like I'm getting worse at this mothering thing instead of better. It's even harder because I'm watching Andy become such an amazing fathers and it's discouraging me even more. I feel overwhelmed and almost rage when Kaylee cries and I shouldn't feel like that. Moms don't get that feeling about their babies. 

Andy or his parents have been doing most of the diaper changes and feedings. I either wait until someone else does it or I manage to find a way to make myself busy. It's easy to let his parents take over because they jump to help before I can even move. I have barely held her these last few days because it just takes a few minutes before I'm ready to put her down. 

I was sitting on the couch with Andy and his parents watching a show when Kaylee started to cry.

"I'll get her since I'm the only parent who seems to care." Andy mumbled as he stood up and walking away.

"Excuse me?" I asked, standing up and walking away from the couch.

"You have barely done anything to help with her!"

"I'm sorry that my body just went through something major and needs to rest!"

"Oh quit that fucking excuse. It's getting real old. You don't see other mothers simply not caring for their fucking child just because they gave birth."

"God, why are you being such an ass?"

"Maybe because I'm realizing that you're just a bad mother!" He shouted and everyone gasped, including Andy. His eyes went wide and he snapped his mouth closed. I stood in shock for a few seconds, my vision going blurry with tears as I just stared at him.

"I-I-" He stuttered.

"Fuck you Andrew. Don't follow me. I've got her." I said with a scary calm voice and I ran upstairs. I went into Kaylee's room and picked her up, trying to bounce her in an attempt to calm her. I noticed she had a dirty diaper so I changed her which calmed her right down. I put her in her crib while I grabbed my diaper bag and began to pack it with necessities for diaper changes and some clothes. 

I picked up Kaylee and the diaper bag and went to my room. I put the diaper bag on the ground and laid Kaylee in her bassinet next to my bed. I grabbed a duffle bag from my closet and began to pack it with clothes as well as toiletries. I'll be damned if I live in the same house with someone who would call me a bad mother. I put on the diaper bag, slung the duffle bag over one shoulder, and picked up Kaylee, carefully making my way down the stairs.

I opened the front door and I heard Andy's barefoot slapping against the wood floor as he ran to me.

"Where are you going?" He asked, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Leaving. I'm not going to be with someone that treats me like this." I said as I closed the front door behind me and hurried to the car. I put Kaylee in her car seat and quickly buckled her in, putting the bags into the backseat. I got in the front seat just as Andy made his way out the door. He tried to stand behind the car but I was faster than him. I backed out of the driveway and quickly pulled off down the street. I drove for about five minutes until I was out of the neighborhood and took a few turns so hopefully Andy couldn't find me as I figured out where the hell I was going to go.

I couldn't go to any of his band members houses, that'd be the first place he'd check. I don't want to bother any of my friends by showing up on their porches with a newborn who does nothing but poop and cry. Just then, it hit me where I could go. I put the car into drive and drove away.

Andy's POV

"Maybe because I'm realizing that you're just a bad mother!" I shouted at her and I heard the room go dead silent except for collective gasps. I watched as tears clouded her eyes and instantly, my heart dropped into my ass.  It felt like an hour had passed when it had only been a few seconds.  

"Fuck you Andrew. Don't follow me. I've got her." She said in the most monotone voice I have ever heard from anyone. She went upstairs and I heard Kaylee's door open and close.

"Oh my god." I said, dropping to the ground. "FUCK!" I yelled.

"Andy, why would you say that?" My mom asked me.

"I-I don't know!" I cried, throwing my head into my hands. "I-I've just been so upset about her lack of help and interest in Kaylee since we've been home, i-it just came out! I didn't mean it! She's not a bad mom, she's just adjusting. It's just a frustrating situation!" I sobbed to my parents.

"You need to tell her that." My dad said.

"S-Should I go now?" I asked.

"No!" Both of my parents exclaimed at the same time.

"She's not in the mood to hear an apology right now. She needs time to calm down." My mom said.

I sat on the ground for a little while longer, taking short, sharp breaths as I tried to calm down but I was just so upset. I heard footsteps on the stairs and then the front door opened. I hopped up and sprinted to the front door to see Scarlette leaving with Kaylee, her diaper bag, and a duffle bag. 

"Where are you going?" I asked, my voice cracking from the crying.

"Leaving. I'm not going to be with someone that treats me like this." She said and closed the front door. I stood there in shock that she was actually taking my baby and leaving, especially when I'm the one doing all of the work! Once I snapped out of my shock, I ran outside and she was already in the driver's seat. I ran to go stand behind the car to prevent her from backing out but she was already driving away. I collapsed onto the driveway in sobs as my parents ran out of the house.

"Did she really leave?" My mom asked.

"Yes!" I cried as I laid on the concrete driveway. I bet I looked pathetic. "I-I need to follow her." I said, standing up and trying to run back into the house.

"No." My dad said, putting his arm out to stop me and wrapping me in a hug. "She'll be back. You'll never find her at this point by just driving around aimlessly." I wrapped my arms around him and cried into his shoulder.

"What the fuck am I going to do?" I cried, my body shaking from the sobs.

"It'll be okay, it'll all work out." My mom said, rubbing my back. "Come on, let's go inside." She said as my dad let me go and the three of us walked in. I went straight to the couch and sat down, putting my head in my hands.

"She took my fucking daughter." I cried.

"She'll be back." My dad reassured again.

"Andy, do you and Scarlette fight like that a lot?" She asked.

"N-No." I lied. Sure, we fight a lot, but that's what happens in a relationship. They wouldn't understand.

"Okay, because I've seen you guys fight a lot while we've been here and it's a little concerning." She said, placing her hand on my knee.

"Part of being in a relationship is having disagreements. We always get over them." I said with a sniffle as I started to calm down.

"Okay, just know that there's a healthy balance of fighting in a relationship, so just please keep an eye on it."

"I will." I said. "I'm going to go lie down." I said as I stood up and walked up the steps. I walked into the bedroom and froze seeing Kaylee's empty bassinet. I collapsed onto the bed in tears and eventually cried myself to sleep.


Where do you think Scarlette's going?

Please leave a comment and let me know what you thought! Comments motivate me to update!

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