Chapter 32: Follow-Up

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Chapter 32: Follow-Up

Scarlette's POV

*One Month Later*

"Scarlette Walker." A nurse called into the waiting room. I stood up and followed her, getting my weight taken and then being led to an exam room. I was given a paper gown and vest. The nurse left the room and I pulled off my clothes, pulling on the paper items. I climbed up onto the exam table and swung my legs while I waited for the nurse to come back. She came back a few minutes later and started with taking my blood pressure and other basic vitals.

"The doctor will be here in a moment." She said with a smile, leaving the room. I waited for another few minutes until my doctor walked in.

"Scarlette! Good to see you again. How have you been."

"Okay." I said.

"I'll get the exam out of the way and then discuss your progress, if that's okay with you."

"That's fine." I said. 

"I'm going to check your thyroid first." She said, placing her hands on my neck and feeling around to ensure everything was normal. "Open your vest please." She said as she pulled on a pair of gloves. She felt around my breasts, examining them for any abnormalities. "You are formula feeding, correct?"

"Correct." I said. 

"Okay, close up your vest and lay down please." She said. I followed directions and she lifted up the bottom of the vest, palpating my lower abdomen. "Does this hurt?" She asked.


"Good." She said as she lifted the stirrups. I put my feet in them and she grabbed all of her supplies, beginning her exam. I closed my eyes and took deep breaths through the whole thing. She finally finished and threw away her gloves.

"I'm going to leave the room and let you get dressed. I'll be back in a few minutes to discuss everything." She said, going to the door. She left and I slid off the table, taking off the paper outfit and placing it in the disposal bin. I pulled on my clothes and I sat in a regular chair. I was sitting for a few minutes when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I called. My doctor opened the door and sat on the stool, smiling at me.

"The good news is that your physical exam was stellar! Everything looks like it is returning back to normal and you are healing very well. I can go ahead and clear you for sex and exercise." She said.

"Well, at least something is normal." I sighed.

"Have you thought about more kids in the future?"

"Never again." I laughed, shaking my head.

"Would you like to get on birth control?" She asked.

"Yes please." She nodded and presented my options to me. I went with the pill and she noted it down.

"Now, how have you been feeling mentally since I last saw you."

"I'm noticing an improvement. I'm less tired, I'm helping with the baby more, Andy and I haven't been fighting, my appetite has returned to normal. I just...still don't feel normal."

"Have you found a therapist?"

"I have and I've had a few sessions. It's also helping as well."

"Well, it sounds like you're on the right track. Unfortunately, this is a process and a sense or normality may take a while to return. You also went through a huge life change, so you may have to adjust to a new normal."

"Am I cleared to go back to work?"

"I'd say so, if you feel up to it. Just be careful not to push yourself too hard."

"I feel like that might help." I shrugged.

"It doesn't hurt to try. Is there anything else you would like to talk about?"


"Alright then, I will see you next time." She smiled at me as she left the room. I stood up, gathered my things, and went to the car. I drove home and Andy greeted me at the door.

"There's my baby." I smiled as he handed her to me. I looked up at Andy and we shared a small kiss. 

"How'd it go?" He asked.

"Good, I'm cleared for all the things."

"Great." He smirked, causing me to laugh and roll my eyes.

"Hornball." I said. I walked to the living room and sat on the couch. Andy's parents were up in their room. "Can I talk to you?" I asked Andy.

"Sure." He said, sitting next to me.

"I-I think I want to go back to work."

"Already?" He asked with a surprised look on his face.

"I just feel like it will help me feel normal again. I feel like that's the missing piece. I mean, it's worth trying, right?"

"I guess." He sighed.

"What?" I snapped.


"What is it Andy?"

"I was hoping you would take more time off of work."

"Andy, I'm healed, I'm feeling better, I just want to go back to work."

"Okay, okay." He said. 

"I think it's time to let your parents go home." I said, placing a hand on his knee.

"With you going back to work?" He asked, with alarm in his voice.

"Andy, they can't stay here forever. They've been here long enough. I'm ready for it to just be you and I again. I need things to go back to as normal as possible."

"W-What if I can't do it." He said, shaking his head.

"What do you mean?"

"What if I can't take care of her on my own."

"Andy, you do realize I've been a pretty shitty parent since she's been born, right? You've been doing it by yourself."

"I've had my parents." He said.

"You are going to be fine. I'm sure you can call up any of your bandmates to help if you find that you struggle. We're going to be okay." I reassured him.

"Okay." He said.

"Thank you." I smiled, kissing his cheek. "Also, I'm ready for you to come back to the bedroom."

"Oh thank god." He smiled, hugging me as tight as he could without hurting Kaylee.

*One Week Later*

"Thank you for all of your help." I said, hugging Amy.

"Of course, I'm so glad we could be down here for as long as we were. Please don't hesitate to call for anything." 

"I won't." I smiled.

Andy's POV

"Please call me if you need absolutely anything. We will be on the first flight out here." My mom whispered in my ear.

"Thank you." I said, hugging her tightly.

"Oh, I can't believe my baby had a baby." She smiled, gripping my face and then looking at Kaylee. "You be good for your mom and dad, okay?" She said to Kaylee, stroking her cheek. We waved goodbye to them as they joined the security line. We walked back out to the car and Scarlette strapped Kaylee in while I started up the car. She got in and we drove away from the airport.

"Here we go." Scarlette sighed quietly, reaching over and giving my hand a small squeeze.


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