Chapter 23: Kaylee Nicole Biersack

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Chapter 23: Kaylee Nicole Biersack

Scarlette's POV

*One Week Later*

"Scarlette?" The nurse called as she opened the door. I stood up and waddled my way over to her. "Hello." She greeted me with a friendly smile.

"Hi." I said, making my way through the doorway. They took my weight and then brought me to an exam room. I got changed into a gown and climbed onto the exam table. I waited until my doctor walked in.

"Hello, how are you feeling?" She asked as she washed her hands and put on gloves.

"I'm feeling about as okay as I can for being 9 months pregnant." I laughed.

"I understand you took a spill last week."

"Yeah, I fell going up the stairs like a dumbass." I chuckled.

"Well, your balance is a little off being so far along. It's understandable. I'm just going to do a small exam just to make sure everything is still okay." She said and I nodded. I put my feet in the stirrups and took a deep breath while she did my exam.

"Have you had any pain lately? Intense stomach cramps?" She asked.

"No, just the normal aches and pains I've had for the last few months."

"Well, you are in labor."

"Excuse me?"

"Yes ma'am, you are six centimeters dilated. You need to get to the hospital." She said, standing up and taking off her gloves. I put my feet down as my jaw dropped.

"No, no, no, I can't be. I-I'm not due for three weeks! I-I'm not ready."

"Well, ready or not. Here she comes. Are you okay to drive yourself to the hospital?"

"Y-Yeah, I feel fine."

"Okay, well I'll meet you there. You might want to call Andy." She said as she left. I grabbed my phone and dialed Andy as I got dressed into my clothes.

"Hey, how'd your appointment go?" Andy asked as he answered.

"I-I need you to meet me at the hospital."

"What! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I just...I'm in labor."

"Ohhh my god. Okay. You're not due for three weeks. Oh my god!"

"I know's happening. We...we're about to be parents Andy."

"Are you able to drive yourself?" He asked. I could hear a lot of background noise which told me he was running around to get ready to leave.

"Yeah, I feel fine. I only know because my doctor told me. Just um, make sure to grab my hospital bag."

"Okay, got it. Got it. If you start to feel like you can't drive anymore. Call me or call 911. Drive safe."

"You too, love you." I said.

"Love you too." He said and hung up the phone. I took a deep breath before walking out of the room and out to my car. I got in and drove in silence to the hospital. As soon as I put the car in park, a sharp pain radiated throughout my stomach. I screamed out in pain, my head hitting the steering wheel as I clutched my belly. There's the labor pains. Every time I tried to move, the pain got worse. 

"Scarlette!" I heard Andy say as my door opened, after I had been sitting still for about five minutes. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"So much pain." I cried, tears drenching my pants. Andy undid my seatbelt and scooped me out of the car. He carried me into the hospital and sat me in a chair while he went to go check me in. Andy returned with a nurse pushing a wheelchair. Andy lifted me into the wheelchair and the nurse quickly rushed me to a room. Once in the room, Andy and the nurse helped me get dressed in a gown and into the bed.

"Drugs! Give me drugs!" I cried out. The nurse started hooking me up to an IV and put monitors on my stomach. I was in the room for about five minutes when my doctor showed up.

"I see the labor pains finally kicked in." She said as she put on gloves.

"I need meds." I begged.

"I need to do an exam first and see how much you have progressed." She said, sitting at the end of my bed and giving me an exam. "Sorry to tell you this Scarlette, but we cannot give you an epidural." She said as she snapped at her team of nurses and stood up.

"Why the fuck not?"

"I see the baby's head. It's time to push." She said as the nurses draped a smock over her and she sat back down.

"No, I can't do this. I can't. I need pain meds." I started to cry, sweat running down my face. Andy reached over and grabbed my hand.

"I'm Sorry Scarlette, but this baby is coming now. Just a few pushes and it'll be over." She said. "Now push."


"Come on Scarlette, I need you to push!"

"I can't!" I cried, breathing heavily.

"Come on baby, you can do it. It's almost over." Andy said, kissing my temple. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths.

"Come on Scarlette, one big push." My doctor encouraged. I pushed as hard as I could, the nurses encouraging me and counting.

"Rest." A nurse said and I tossed my head back on the pillow, panting. I took a few more deep breaths.

"Okay Scarlette, push." I pushed again, squeezing Andy's hand as tight as possible and gritting my teeth.

"Rest." A nurse said and I felt my whole body relax. The pain got even more intense and I actually felt like I was going to die.

"One more push and you'll have a baby." My doctor said.

"I can't do it." I sobbed, shaking my head.

"Come on Scarlette. You are strong, you are beautiful, you are a bad ass. You can do it." Andy encouraged me. I looked him in the eyes and nodded my head, taking a deep breath before pushing as hard as I could.

"And it's a girl!" The doctor announced as my daughter's cries rang throughout the room. My body collapsed flat on the bed and I started crying uncontrollably. Andy cut the cord, allowing the nurses to put my daughter on my chest.

"She's so beautiful but, ugh, she needs a bath." I laughed. "Can you guys clean her up first?" I asked the nurse.

"Of course." She said, grabbing my daughter and placing her in a basinet to take her out of the room. Another nurse came over and wiped down my chest with a rag. My doctor and the nurses finished up with me and left the room. Only a few minutes passed until our daughter was brought back into the room, all clean and calmed down.

"Here she is!" The nurse announced, picking her up and handing her to me.

"Oh god, she's beautiful." I said with a smile.

"That's our daughter." Andy said quietly, leaning over my shoulder to peer at her tiny face.

"Do you guys have a name picked out yet?" The nurse asked. I looked up at Andy and bit down on my lip.

"I've actually been sitting on a name for a few months that I haven't mentioned." Andy said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Kaylee Nicole." He said. I looked down at my daughter and stroked her cheek with my finger. 

"Kaylee Nicole." I repeated. A few moments later, a small smile spread across her face. "I think she likes it." I said. "Kaylee Nicole Biersack." I said, looking up at the nurse. Andy and I agreed on a spelling and the nurse copied it down onto her birth certificate.


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